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Opposition leader Guaido returns to VenezuelaSelf-declared interim president Juan Guaido returns to Caracas despite arrest threats. 


Guaido calls for mass protests upon Venezuela return       Opinion

Guaido's military mutiny miscalculation   by Asa Cusack

           03:20  Latin America

Venezuela's indigenous migrants struggle to preserve traditions   by Mohammed Jamjoom

         02:10  Latin America

Desperate Venezuelans cross Tachira River to survive         The Listening Post03 Mar 2019 09:32 GMT

Family ties: The story of the Chamorro dynastyThe tale of a family that lives and works at the intersection of journalism and politics in Nicaragua.

  09:30     Venezuela03 Mar 2019 07:33 GMT

Venezuela's Guaido to 'return home soon', risking arrestGuaido says he will return to Venezuela soon and calls for new protests next week against President Nicolas Maduro.

       Latin America02 Mar 2019 20:33 GMT

Women land defenders face 'extreme criminalisation', added risksIn El Estor, Guatemala, women lead fight for land rights despite added risk of sexual violence and stigma.

       Talk to Al Jazeera02 Mar 2019 13:41 GMT

Brazil vice president: Venezuela needs 'a change of government'Hamilton Mourao discusses Venezuela's political crisis, Brazil reforms and the alleged persecution of minority groups.

  24:00     Venezuela02 Mar 2019 08:58 GMT

US ramps up Venezuela sanctions as Guaido tours South AmericaGuaido's international backers are using a mix of sanctions and diplomacy to try to put pressure on Maduro.

  02:20     Venezuela01 Mar 2019 23:20 GMT

Venezuelans risk 'dangerous' trek as official borders remain shutMore Venezuelans are crossing armed group-controlled 'trochas' as main borders remain closed, rights groups say.

  02:37     Brazil01 Mar 2019 16:24 GMT

In Rio, military intervention leaves behind a troubled legacyMultimillion-dollar operation exacerbated 'confrontation, shootings' and fuelled surge in police killings, critics say.

       Latin America01 Mar 2019 14:34 GMT

Argentina judge who led Jewish bombing investigation jailedFormer Argentine President Carlos Menem was acquitted in the trial, but victims of the 1994 attack hope the trial will pave the way to a new investigation.

  02:59     Latin America28 Feb 2019 23:09 GMT

Venezuela military defector: I'll keep fighting for our freedomAlthough hundreds have defected, analysts say until there're breaks in upper ranks, there'll be little effect on Maduro.

       Venezuela28 Feb 2019 18:20 GMT

Sanctions, Venezuela, and US intentionsUS says it wants to restore democracy, but critics argue Washington is worsening Venezuela's humanitarian crisis.

       Venezuela28 Feb 2019 18:03 GMT

Venezuela in crisis: All previous updates Here are all the developments on the Venezuela crisis from January 22 until February 13.

       Latin America28 Feb 2019 14:51 GMT

Venezuelans cross into Colombia despite border closureDesperate Venezuelans are circumventing the official entry points to flee from their country's economic and political crises.

  02:37     Latin America28 Feb 2019 13:36 GMT

Nicaragua resumes talks over political crisis after long delayNegotiations between the government and the opposition stalled last year over a violent crackdown on protests demanding the resignation of President Daniel Ortega.

  02:13     Venezuela28 Feb 2019 07:54 GMT

Families of defected Venezuelan soldiers speak out about tortureFamilies of Venezuelan soldiers imprisoned for opposing the regime speak of their treatment by law enforcement officers.

  02:57     Nicaragua27 Feb 2019 19:48 GMT

Nicaragua frees prisoners before talks with opposition: CPDHRights group announces release before long-awaited peace talks between opposition and President Daniel Ortega.

     Show More   Opinion     Guaido's military mutiny miscalculation by Asa Cusack

       Venezuela is no Syria and Maduro is no Assad by Hussein Walid

       Cold Warrior Elliott Abrams returns to battle in Venezuela by Belen Fernandez

       How has Bolsonaro done in his first 30 days in office? by Raphael Tsavkko Garcia

         IN-DEPTH   Latin AmericaWomen land defenders face 'extreme criminalisation', added risks    BrazilIn Rio, military intervention leaves behind a troubled legacy    Nicolas MaduroVenezuela's Maduro and his offer of 'new elections'    VenezuelaThe Wall of Laments: 'It wasn't easy leaving Venezuela'                    News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences  Community Guidelines  Work for us  HR Quality     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter  Submit a Tip     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  AJ+     Our Network   Jetty  Al Jazeera Centre for Studies  Al Jazeera Media Institute  Learn Arabic  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network


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