Inside Story

How real is the threat of another war over Kashmir?

Pakistan returns detained fighter jet pilot to India as a gesture of goodwill, but cross-border violence continues.


India accused of targeting Muslims in Kashmir crackdown

Leaders of the disputed region say New Delhi is persecuting civilians for alleged links to armed groups.


UN: Civilian deaths in Afghanistan hit record high in 2018

United Nations says the war-torn country saw 3,800 civilian lives taken last year, including 1,000 children.


Explainer: Who are Kashmir's armed groups?

Al Jazeera explains the major groups that are involved in the armed movement for Kashmiri self-determination.

Explainer: Who are Kashmir's armed groups?


Sri Lankans risk it all to seek asylum on tiny island near Africa

Sri Lankans are paying smugglers up to $3,000 to reach Reunion, a paradisiacal French island of fewer than one million.

Sri Lankans risk it all to seek asylum on tiny island near Africa


Pakistan continues limited opening of airspace

Commercial travel partially resumes at airport in Lahore, as tensions with India remain high in disputed Kashmir region.

Pakistan continues partial opening of airspace amid India crisis

United States

US, South Korea to end key joint military exercises

After meeting with Kim Jong-un, Trump decides to scale down drills in South Korea to ease tensions with the North.

US, South Korea to end key joint military exercises


Flash floods in Afghanistan's Kandahar kills 20

At least 10 people from five districts were still missing even as Kandahar governor ordered immediate assistance.

Afghanistan: More than a dozen killed in flash floods


Afghanistan war: Women voice concern at conference

As the US and the Taliban negotiate peace, the Afghan women are refusing to be left behind.


Why has Kashmir been forgotten?

Amid all the talks of India-Pakistan war, the issue at the very heart of present tensions has been completely ignored.

Samreen Mushtaq

by Samreen Mushtaq
- Mudasir Amin

Samreen Mushtaq

War & Conflict

As India, Pakistan stand down, Kashmir remains on precarious edge

While New Delhi and Islamabad de-escalate tensions, Kashmir, the epicentre of the conflict, finds itself on tenterhooks.

As India, Pakistan stand down, Kashmir remains on precarious edge


Pakistan hands over captured pilot to India

The Indian Air Force officer crosses Wagah border, a day after Pakistan PM Imran Khan announced the 'peace gesture'.


India awaits release of its pilot captured in Pakistan

Captured fighter pilot to be handed back to India in the afternoon at the Wagah border crossing, Pakistan FM says.

Pakistan set to free Indian pilot to de-escalate tensions


Kashmiris living near disputed border fear for safety

They feel they are being used as pawns between India and Pakistan, the two nuclear powers.


'This is how we'll change the country' - inside Kabul's book bus

Organisers of Kabul's mobile library want to encourage critical thinking and introspection among Afghan children.

'This is how we'll change the country' - inside Kabul's book bus