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Study shows pesticide levels drop dramatically after 1 week of eating organic
Study shows pesticide levels drop dramatically after 1 week of eating organic

Can eating organic really reduce levels of pesticides in our bodies? A new peer-reviewed study published in the journal Environmental Research found that switching to an organic diet significantly reduced the levels of synthetic pesticides found in all participants in just one week.

I’ve been a farmworker all my life. Here’s why you should buy organic food
I’ve been a farmworker all my life. Here’s why you should buy organic food

Like millions of farmworkers who have labored in America’s fields and orchards, I know what it’s like to grow the food we eat using toxic pesticides.

Role of carbon tax in Green New Deal
Role of carbon tax in Green New Deal

Climate change is a crisis that needs new thinking. For almost 30 years, the promise of cap-and-trade, carbon markets and faith in capitalism have generated a never-ending debate that has careened toward political inaction.

H.R. 1: Our environment and the new age civil rights movement
H.R. 1: Our environment and the new age civil rights movement

This bill will serve as an answer to such a need — one which helps get to the core of democracy and equity for communities of color and this nation. H.R. 1 is a revolutionary bill for the people and is just what we need in this crucial time of our democracy. It is time to reclaim our civil rights in 2019 and beyond.

Friends of the Earth Analysis on the Green New Deal Resolution from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey
Friends of the Earth Analysis on the Green New Deal Resolution from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey

There is a lot to celebrate. Friends of the Earth welcomes many new, progressive elements of this proposal.

Amidst “insect apocalypse” Ace Hardware steps up and takes action on bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides
Amidst “insect apocalypse” Ace Hardware steps up and takes action on bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides

For the first year, all major garden retailers are on record committing to eliminate the use of neonicotinoid (neonic) pesticides on the products and garden plants that they sell.

Green New Deal Must Transform Our Food System to Save Our Climate
Green New Deal Must Transform Our Food System to Save Our Climate

Our current industrial food system, and the policies that prop it up, are a central part of the climate crisis, and transforming them must be a central part of the Green New Deal solution.

A pesticides wake-up call: New study confirms the need to eat and farm organic
A pesticides wake-up call: New study confirms the need to eat and farm organic

As organic farmers, we care deeply about the food we put in our bodies and how it’s grown. On our small farm in middle Georgia, my husband and I grow U.S. Department of Agriculture-certified organic food.

Arctic Indigenous Voices made a difference on polar shipping in 2018 – and 2019 looks promising too
Arctic Indigenous Voices made a difference on polar shipping in 2018 – and 2019 looks promising too

It’s not every day that elder Alaska Natives are heard and respected by leaders from around the world.

RSPO should suspend membership of groups undermining Guatemala’s anti-impunity commission
RSPO should suspend membership of groups undermining Guatemala’s anti-impunity commission

Since 2017, Morales has been engaged in a battle against the U.N. commission, which was investigating his alleged violations of campaign finance law as well allegations of corruption by many of his associates, including close family members. The commission has also helped the Guatemalan attorney general bring charges against Guatemalan military leaders for massacres of indigenous peoples, as well as for acts of corruption by Guatemala’s former president, Otto Perez Molina, and several business executives…