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Germany plans to strip passports of fighters with 2nd nationalityProposed legislation comes amid concern over how to handle Germans who fought with ISIL in Syria and Iraq. 


Cardinal admits Church files on paedophile priests 'destroyed'       Philippines

Philippines foreign minister under fire over Nazi comments   by Ted Regencia


Germany 'seeks extradition' of Syrian spy chief: Report   by Anchal Vohra

         47:06  Al Jazeera World

The Ceska Murders: Case Solved?         France19 Feb 2019 13:52 GMT

German fashion icon Karl Lagerfeld dies in Paris at age 85The creative genius who helped make Paris the 'fashion capital of the world' dies at age 85 after rumours of illness.

  01:59     Europe16 Feb 2019 16:13 GMT

Munich security summit: Global instability on agendaWorld's leaders debate some of the biggest challenges of today, including Yemen war and fight against ISIL.

  03:15     Germany16 Feb 2019 12:57 GMT

Merkel, Pence clash on Iran deal at Munich conferenceThe German leader and the US vice president disagree over the best approach to Iran, with Merkel favouring negotiations.

  02:43     Witness13 Feb 2019 16:10 GMT

Sky and Ground: A Syrian Family's Journey Across BordersOne refugee family faces incredible odds and countless setbacks as they travel over 3,000km across Europe.

  47:30     Germany12 Feb 2019 16:06 GMT

Germany shuts publishers for alleged PKK linksInterior ministry declares ban against two companies 'posing as publishers' to benefit outlawed Kurdish group.

       Europe12 Feb 2019 13:54 GMT

Competition under way for Golden Bear at Berlin film festivalThe Berlin International Film Festival features The Kindness of Strangers, directed by Lone Scherfig - one of seven female directors vying for the festival's top prize.

  02:25     Arts & Culture11 Feb 2019 10:37 GMT

Slavery in Thai fishing industry in spotlight at Berlinale 2019The plight of workers trapped in slavery on Thai fishing boats will be cast in the spotlight at the Berlin International Film Festival.

  02:31     Europe10 Feb 2019 12:16 GMT

'Hitler paintings' fail to sell at German auctionPaintings said to have been painted by Adolf Hitler fail to sell at Nuremberg auction marred by allegations of forgery.

       Europe07 Feb 2019 13:37 GMT

Germany to restrict Facebook's data gatheringAntitrust watchdog threatens to impose fines of up to 10 percent of social media giant's annual global revenues.

       Europe04 Feb 2019 18:46 GMT

European nations recognise Guaido as Venezuela's acting presidentMajor European powers recognise Venezuela's opposition leader as interim president as Russia slams 'interference'.

  02:46     Business & Economy28 Jan 2019 06:50 GMT

The German economy is slowing. Brexit could make it worseFacing headwinds from slowing demand in China, the German economy must now grapple with potential Brexit fallout.

       Iran21 Jan 2019 14:40 GMT

Germany bans Iran's Mahan Air over 'security concerns'Mahan Air is on US sanctions list and Washington has long urged allies to ban it from their territory.

       Brexit17 Jan 2019 16:27 GMT

France launches $57m plan for no-deal BrexitFrance's contingency plan looks after 'interests of our citizens', says PM Philippe.

       Europe17 Jan 2019 09:54 GMT

Bauhaus at 100: Germany celebrates century-old art movementBauhaus is a German concept which has come to define a form of expression involving mass production and simplicity.

  02:04     Opinion14 Jan 2019 09:56 GMT

Blaming European anti-Semitism on Palestinians and MuslimsThe German and Austrian far right is incorporating Zionism into ultranationalism to whitewash its bloody past. 

 by Denijal Jegic

     Show More   Opinion     Blaming European anti-Semitism on Palestinians and Muslims by Denijal Jegic

       Merkel and the revenge of the old white boys' club by Madhvi Ramani 

       Russia's new game in Syria by Marwan Kabalan

       How Trump is pushing Turkey and the EU closer together by Taha Ozhan

         IN-DEPTH   The Far Right'Not just horror and crime': Parallel worlds in Berlin's Neukolln    The Far RightThe German who fought fascism, to the death    GermanyAs Brexit nears, UK Jews reclaim German citizenship    Germany'We lost our homes and country, but we also lost our books'                    News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences  Community Guidelines  Work for us  HR Quality     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter  Submit a Tip     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  AJ+     Our Network   Jetty  Al Jazeera Centre for Studies  Al Jazeera Media Institute  Learn Arabic  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival   Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network


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