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  Piano: Ukraine's Uprising During the Euromaidan uprising, piano players defy the riot police by playing music as a gesture of peaceful resistance.

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  The Russian Job One man's quest to revive Russia's largest car company.

  Business & Economy, Russia, Europe, Communism

  Maria Ressa: War on Truth In an era of disinformation, the CEO of Rappler takes on forces that she believes are undermining world democracies.

  Media, Philippines, Facebook, Rodrigo Duterte, Social media

  Sky and Ground: A Syrian Family's Journey Across Borders One refugee family faces incredible odds and countless setbacks as they travel over 3,000km across Europe.

  Syrian Refugees, Germany, Immigration, Europe, Middle East

  Aisha: Boko Haram Huntress Meet the 'Queen Hunter' Aisha who catches Boko Haram fighters and searches for kidnapped children in northern Nigeria.

  Africa, Nigeria, War & Conflict, Boko Haram

  Gallok: The Battle for Sami Rights in Sweden A community questions its Sami heritage when one of Scandinavia's largest known iron ore deposits is discovered nearby.

  Indigenous rights, Sweden, Environment, Human Rights

  The Glass Wall: Isolated by Cancer A Dutch teenager records video diaries when she is locked behind a hospital's glass wall for a bone marrow transplant.

  Cancer, Health, Netherlands, Europe

  Salero: The life of a Bolivian salt gatherer  A salt gatherer becomes a link to the old world when Bolivia embarks on a plan to mine lithium from the Uyuni salt flat.

  Poverty & Development, Latin America, Bolivia

     On Instagram   body : Layout 1 : Cell 1 : Layout 1 : Cell 3 : Layout 1 : Cell 7 : Layout 2 : Cell 10 : Layout 1 : Cell 21Staff PicksStreet Food A taste of conflict: The politics of food in Jerusalem In an ancient city torn apart by modern conflict, can food help to bridge political and religious divisions?

 Talk to Al Jazeera Nadezhda Kutepova: Life in Russia's secret nuclear city Activist Kutepova on growing up in a city that saw the world's third-worst nuclear accident and being exiled as traitor.

 101 East India's Miracle Babies India's elderly new mothers: Are doctors playing God, or does every woman have the right to bear a child?

  body : Layout 1 : Cell 1 : Layout 1 : Cell 3 : Layout 1 : Cell 7 : Layout 2 : Cell 10 : Layout 1 : Cell 22Related content Telling the stories of Somalia's lost warriors From refugee to storyteller, a Danish Somali filmmaker challenges stereotypes about young Somalis - one film at a time.

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  Q&A: The reality of free education for all in Ghana Two NGO workers explain why, despite free tuition, some Ghanaian children still struggle to get an education.

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  A history of violence: Growing up in CAR A child born from rape and a young gunshot victim grow up amid CAR's cycle of violence. 

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WitnessMaria Ressa: War on TruthIn an era of disinformation, the CEO of Rappler takes on forces that she believes are undermining world democracies.

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People & PowerThe Forgotten Heroes of EmpirePeople & Power investigates the UK's scandalous neglect of its colonial-era African soldiers.

World War, United Kingdom, History

WitnessSky and Ground: A Syrian Family's Journey Across BordersOne refugee family faces incredible odds and countless setbacks as they travel over 3,000km across Europe.

Syrian Refugees, Germany, Immigration


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