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 14 Dec 2018 09:43 GMT |   Yemen, Humanitarian crises, Middle East, War & Conflict

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About UpFront    With the thrust and parry of rigorous debate, Mehdi Hasan cuts through the headlines to challenge conventional wisdom, highlight contradictions and uncover double standards.    Airing Times   Saturday 14:30 GMT   Sunday 04:30 GMT   Monday 08:30 GMT   Friday 19:30 GMT   New Episode

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  Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, Nigeria Decides, Africa, Elections

  Yemen: 'Parties decide to resolve a conflict, not UN' UN special envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths says the warring sides in Yemen now have 'a chance to do the right thing'.

  Yemen, War, Humanitarian crises, Middle East, War & Conflict

  Can Nigeria's next president revive the country's economy? Spokesmen for President Buhari and opposition candidate Atiku Abubakar debate Nigeria's economy.

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  Has the world abandoned the Uighur Muslims? We speak to a Uighur refugee, and debate if data theft, interference and illegal spending tainted the Brexit referendum.

  Uighur, China, Brexit, Human Rights, Asia Pacific

  Do the Houthis have a plan for peace in Yemen? We challenge the Houthi-backed Yemeni FM Hisham Sharaf, and speak to Francis Fukuyama about 'identity politics'.

  War & Conflict, Yemen, Democracy, United States

  What happened to ISIL? An UpFront special We discuss the group's past, present, and future.

  ISIS/ISIL, Middle East, Conflict, Syria's War, Iraq

 Web Extras   The UK Labour Party and the IHRA definition of anti-Semitism We debate the UK Labour Party's adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's anti-Semitism definition.

 Labour Party,United Kingdom,Jeremy Corbyn

    France, the National Front and Russia Marine Le Pen's loan from a Russian bank has 'nothing to do with politics', says National Front adviser Jean Messiha.

 French elections 2017,France

    Yanis Varoufakis on Jeremy Corbyn and Brexit Ex-Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis says Jeremy Corbyn's chances of becoming the next UK prime minister are 'slim'.

 European Union

    Former FBI agent: Torture doesn't work Use of torture 'did not prevent one single terrorist attack in the United States', says former interrogator Ali Soufan.

 United States,Donald Trump

    Brexit: Can the UK get a better deal? Chief Brexit negotiator, Guy Verhofstadt, says it’s technically impossible for the UK to get a new trade deal in time.

 United Kingdom,European Union

    Hamas on the two-state solution and a new charter Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan on a new charter coming “very soon”, and if they’ll accept a two-state solution.


    Dilma Rousseff on her regrets and legacy Former Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff tells Mehdi Hasan her biggest regrets and proudest achievements.

 Brazil,Dilma Rousseff,Latin America

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