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Chimpanzees go into retirement as US relaxes animal testingFrom laboratory to sanctuary, we meet the chimpanzees getting a new lease on life.

    by John Hendren

            02:35  Africa

Kenya sea turtles: Rescuing endangered species   by Catherine Soi


Warnings of severe cold return for Canada and US        02:46  Asia Pacific

Indonesia's polluted river clean-up shows slow progress   by Florence Looi


Qatar moves to establish more sustainable developments         United States28 Feb 2019 22:42 GMT

US Senate confirms ex-coal lobbyist to head environment regulatorAndrew Wheeler, who believes climate change isn't a major crisis, will head the Environmental Protection Agency.

       Poverty & Development28 Feb 2019 13:09 GMT

India's forest dwellers plan protests against mass eviction orderIndigenous groups plan protests against Supreme Court verdict to evict over 1 million tribal people from forestlands.

       People & Power27 Feb 2019 19:56 GMT

Killing WhalesPeople and Power investigates a fierce personal battle that's raging over the future of whaling in Icelandic waters.

  25:00     Weather26 Feb 2019 14:32 GMT

Record warmth in the UK, Belgium and the NetherlandsClimate change means more extremes: winter warmth in Europe; severe cold in North America - two sides of the same coin.

       Europe23 Feb 2019 13:35 GMT

Climate change: Teenage environmentalists protest in ParisGreta Thunberg's campaign in September gained traction across the world.

  01:49     Native Americans22 Feb 2019 12:53 GMT

'The way we were raised': The story of an Inupiaq elderAs the ice thaws and new technology pervades, an Alaska Native elder finds life quickly changing in his Arctic town.

       Environment22 Feb 2019 12:41 GMT

India top court orders eviction of over 1 million forest dwellersThe Supreme Court's order could affect claims of indigenous people living in forest areas across 21 states.

       Indonesia22 Feb 2019 02:36 GMT

Long lost giant bee, the world's largest, rediscoveredTeam of international researchers finds the first specimens of the giant insect in Indonesia's North Moluccas islands.

       Africa20 Feb 2019 11:01 GMT

Will voters punish Buhari for not tackling Nigeria's oil spills?Five years after Nigeria's president promised to clean-up this oil mess, Al Jazeera looks at whether the failure will hurt his re-election bid.

  02:41     Environment20 Feb 2019 03:26 GMT

Chinese 'Ivory Queen' sentenced to 15 years in prisonYang Fenglan was found guilty of smuggling about 860 pieces of ivory over several years to Asia.

       Asia Pacific19 Feb 2019 08:05 GMT

Philippines tribal leaders oppose Kaliwa dam projectThe new dam project to stave off a water crisis in the northern Philippines, which threatens sacred grounds.

  02:48     Climate SOS15 Feb 2019 17:27 GMT

Climate change: UK children demand government actionThe demonstration is part of a global movement Schools 4 Climate Action, which has grown quickly on social media.

  02:44     China15 Feb 2019 04:06 GMT

Hong Kong seizes record 40kg of rhino horn at airportHorns were discovered in two boxes checked for a flight to Vietnam's Ho Chi Minh City in second record bust this year.

       Environment15 Feb 2019 02:15 GMT

Indonesia land-burning fines unpaid years after disastrous firesPalm oil and pulp wood firms fined for burning huge areas have not paid hundreds of millions of dollars in penalties.

       Environment15 Feb 2019 01:27 GMT

Tasmania fires risk 'wiping out' ancient speciesWildfires have scorched more than 205,000 hectares in the southwest, centre and northwest of the Australian island.

     Show More   Opinion     Tackling the twin challenges of climate change and inequality by Jennifer Morgan - Sharan Burrow

       How capitalism is killing us by Belen Fernandez

       Madagascar elections: An environmental disaster in waiting by William Laurance

       Why forests are the best 'technology' to stop climate change by Jennifer Morgan

         IN-DEPTH   Native Americans'The way we were raised': The story of an Inupiaq elder    Nagorno-KarabakhThe battle over Amulsar: Mining vs the environment    Global WarmingClimate change threatens 1,000-year-old monastery in remote Nepal    ShortsThe Amazonian tribe defending their land with technology                    News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Privacy Policy  Cookie Policy  Cookie Preferences  Community Guidelines  Work for us  HR Quality     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter  Submit a Tip     Our Channels   Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera English  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary  Al Jazeera Balkans  AJ+      Our Network   Jetty  Al Jazeera Centre for Studies  Al Jazeera Media Institute  Learn Arabic  Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2019 Al Jazeera Media Network


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