LMD EnglishOvěřený účet


The English-language edition of ‘Le Monde diplomatique’ (). Independent, international reporting.

Připojil se duben 2009
Datum narození: 1954


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  1. Připnutý tweet
    20. 12.

    Avoid the shops, save money and support independent journalism - all in one go.

  2. před 4 hodinami

    Now Emmanuel Macron has had to concede that people’s anger is legitimate, and promise a minimum wage rise and some tax reforms. Will that be enough?

  3. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 5 hodinami

    Pierre Bourdieu on neoliberalism -- a "utopia of endless exploitation" (1998).

  4. před 6 hodinami

    Sami activists in Sweden are fighting the expansion of iron ore mining, which will carve up their reindeer grazing lands. But Swedish locals want those mining jobs.

  5. před 9 hodinami

    Everyone should have a fundamental human right to listen to their culture’s music.

  6. před 12 hodinami

    What was behind the Guardian’s bizarre scoop claiming Paul Manafort visited Julian Assange three times in the Ecuadorian embassy?

  7. před 14 hodinami

    Last chance to avail yourself of our winter offer.

  8. před 16 hodinami

    Fifty-eight countries agreed in December 1948 on how we could live in freedom, equality and dignity. Though there have been advances, economic and social rights need protecting more than ever.

  9. před 17 hodinami

    For Christmas, a report from Sweden’s largest and northernmost county, a land of reindeer and deep mines.

  10. 24. 12.

    Presenting a selection of archives related to our December issue.

  11. 24. 12.

    The situation in Syria shone a bright light on Washington’s precarious strategy of trying to triangulate two sworn enemies as allies.

  12. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    17. 12.

    Washington will have to determine a more robust policy than merely ‘speaking to Sadrists’ for any alliance to develop, I argue in my latest piece for

  13. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    23. 12.

    Another great article if you want to understand what's going on en with les

  14. 24. 12.
  15. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    24. 12.

    “Almost one Kenyan in three uses mobile phone banking to handle money. But despite government aims to make the country Africa’s ‘digital hub’, the economy remains unequal and unproductive”

  16. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    24. 12.

    Most of the media - including those who spent hours mindlessly hyping the 's blockbuster Manafort/Assange story - thereafter decided to pretend that it never happened, so that they could go and wonder why trust in the media has collapsed. Glad remembers:

  17. 24. 12.

    The world wants to know how the protests in France got together. In Ardèche, it turns out that organisation, like the protestors’ politics, is mostly unstructured, the meetings often just talking shops, and the roundabouts tribal.

  18. 24. 12.

    Last-minute Christmas shopping? Take advantage of our winter offer.

  19. 24. 12.

    In a scoop on 27 November, the Guardian revealed that Paul Manafort had met Julian Assange in London three times: in 2013, 2015 and 2016. But had those meetings taken place?

  20. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    23. 12.

    US military document reveals how the West opposed a democratic Syria

  21. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    23. 12.

    good read: Who gains from the US pullout from ? , by Tanya Goudsouzian (December 2018)


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