Category Archives: International Solidarity

Italy: Support Hambi Resistance – Calendario Eventi (Ita/Deu/Eng)

Received on 29.03.18: Campagna complice e solidale a quella che, dal 2012 ad oggi, è diventata uno dei simboli della lotta per la liberazione della Terra dalle catene del capitalismo: la resistenza per difendere la foresta di Hambach! Da 6 … Continue reading

Posted in Earth Riot, Eco-Resistance, Eco-Struggle, Environmental Struggle, Events, Fuck RWE, Germany, Hambach Forest, International Solidarity, Italy

Australia: Stolenwealth Games Boycott – A First Nations & Ex-Detainee Solidarity Statement

March 26, 2018. Members of the First Nations and eX-detainees from RISE have consulted to produce this solidarity statement and call for all supporters to boycott the Stolenwealth (“commonwealth”) Games which is to be held in Queensland, Gold Coast in … Continue reading

Posted in #SanctionAustralia, Anti-Colonialism, Australia, Boycotts, Call To Action, Decolonization, Decolonize, First Nations, First Nations Solidarity, Gold Coast, International Solidarity, Posters, Queensland, Refugee Solidarity Movement, Refugees, RISE : Refugee Survivors and Ex-detainees, so-called 'Australia', Stolenwealth Games

Berlin, Germany: Incendiary Sabotage Action Against Military & Corporate Communications Infrastructure in Solidarity with Afrin

Ruling over people is re-organizing: using nets and algorithms, states and companies are accessing our lives every day. Now, in this moment, while reading this text, and in future times. And it expands. We are under surveillance and control. Today, … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Anti-Militarism, anti-technology, Arson Attack, Berlin, Direct Action, Germany, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Rojava, Sabotage

Vienna, Austria: Angry Spontaneous Demonstration for World Afrin Day

Received on 25.03.18: Around 100 people gathered in Vienna at 10 pm to have a 30 minutes long spontaneous, angry and wild demonstration on the international solidarity day for Afrin. The demonstration was an expression of the rage and anger … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Austria, Defend Afrin, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Vienna, World Afrin Day

Afrin Is Not Defeated! (Video)

Received on 24.03.18: Compilation of video messages for World Afrin Day in solidarity with Afrin from revolutionary organizations around the world. Afrin Is Not Defeated! Long Live The Rojava Revolution! Fight4Afrin! 

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Colombia, Defend Afrin, Germany, Indonesia, International Solidarity, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uruguay, Venezuela, Videos

Belgrade, Serbia: #Fight4Afrin – From Belgrade to Afrin NO PASARAN! (Video)

Antifascist solidarity with Afrin and Rojava 19. march Belgrade Svugde je Afrin, svuda je otpor. SOLIDARNOST SA AFRINOM, PROTIV FAŠIZMA, DRŽAVA I KAPITALA! In the recent days there have been several solidarity actions in Belgrade supporting the struggle for freedom … Continue reading

Posted in #Fight4Afrin, Afrin, Antifascism, Banners, Belgrade, Defend Afrin, Direct Action, Erdogan Terrorist, Fuck AKP, Fuck Erdogan, Graffiti, International Solidarity, Rojava, Rojava Revolution, Serbia, Videos

Genoa, Italy: Righi Telecommunications Repeater Up In Flames / Genova, Italia: Repetidor de Telecomunicaciones en Llamas

We live in a world where being connected is essential if we want to keep up with the times and keep pace with the neurotic rhythm that modern society is offering us. Human relationships have broken up behind displays, Apps. … Continue reading

Posted in Act For Freedom Now!, Anarchist Prisoners, anti-technology, Arson Attack, Davide Delogu, Direct Action, Genoa, Ghespe, Incendiary Attack, International Solidarity, Italy, Lisa, Maurizio Alfieri, Operation Scripta Manent, Sin Banderas Ni Fronteras, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara