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After four years of struggle and preparations the Enough 14 Info-Café finally opened

On December 22 the Enough 14 Info-Café opened its doors in Wuppertal, German territory. A short report and podcast about four years of struggle and the first day of the Enough is Enough Info-Café.

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South Africa: Dishonest statements by MEC Ravi Pillay

On 13 February the Durban High Court granted our movement an interdict against the eThekwini municipality’s repeated violent and illegal evictions against the eKhenana land occupation in Cato Crest. The interdict protects 109 named families against illegal eviction.

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#Finland: Solidarity with Russian anarchists from #Varis

The antifascist network Varis in Finland turned 5 years last week. This was celebrated with concerts in Helsinki, Jyväskylä and Tampere.

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#RefugeesGR: Cars of Hope collective is back in #Athens

A first short impression of the work of the Cars of Hope collective with refugees in Athens.

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#Endegelaende #Lausitz23: New letters from pre-trial detention

Letters letters from Ende Gelaende prisoners Nonta, Stanley and Vincent – Cottbus (German territory) prison, 17.02.2019.

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#RefugeesGR: Ongoing Criminalization of Refugee Protests – Upcoming trials against migrants on #Lesvos

Greek territory: The criminalization of refugees protesting for their rights on Lesvos Island continues.

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Greek police killed Ebuka in #Athens: #JusticeForEbuka

Statement by the “Organization United Women from Africa” about another murder by cops in Athens.

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The Battle For #Syria: VT Interview With #YPG Volunteer

Waterbury Vermont, February, 2019 – Michael Alexander, a guest of the Green Mountain Central Labor Council AFL-CIO, recently spoke to Equal Time Radio (WDEV 550AM) about his experience serving as a volunteer soldier in the YPG.  The YPG & YPJ are the military arm of the revolution in the northern Syria.

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The USA, Greece, and Italy: An Anti-Fascist History

The following text was composed by anarchists and anti-fascists from the US, Greece, and Italy. It’s an attempt to situate the past decade of struggle in the proper historical context.

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Durban High Court Grants #Abahlali baseKhenana an Interdict against #eThekwini’s Notorious Land Invasion Unit

South African territory: Yesterday afternoon the Durban High Court granted us an interdict against the eThekwini Municipality’s repeated, vicious and illegal attack on residents of eKhenana land occupation in Cato Crest.

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#Turin: Call for Solidarity with the Imprisoned of Operazione Scintilla

Italian territitory: Summary of the recent repressive operation in Italy in connection with the resistance against the Italian migration regime.

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