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Right-wing Extremism 101, with guest David Neiwert

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David Neiwert is one of America’s foremost experts on right-wing extremism, domestic terror, and the Alt Right. He is a freelance journalist and blogger over at Daily Kos, a contributor ...

Cheri Jacobus’ 1st-hand account of a woman attacked by Trump

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Cheri Jacobus went from being wooed by the Trump exploratory committee for the job of communications director, to being excoriated by Trump on social media, and ditched by Fox News ...

GOP far-right icon Candace Owens says Hitler would have been “fine” had he not gone global

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In a bizarre, and troubling, video just published by Media Matters News Director John Whitehouse, far-right Republican icon Candace Owens explains her views on Hitler and nationalism, ...

Adam Schiff says there’s collusion

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US House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) joins us for an update on the Trump-Russia investigation. In this episode, Schiff responds to Trump’s latest attack ...

WTF, Virginia?

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Longtime Virginia politics blogger Lowell Feld, editor of Blue Virginia, joins us to talk about all the crazy politics coming out of the state of Virginia this week. Our discussion ...

Demand Virginia Gov. Northam Resign

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Virginia Governor Ralph Northam simply must resign. Please add your name to those demanding he step down immediately. Governor Northam’s 1984 yearbook includes a racist photo ...

Brexit for Dummies, with guest Ian Dunt

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A really interesting and accessible (and fun) conversations with one of the UK’s top experts on the Brexit.

Black conservative Robert George on why he’s Never Trump

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Is there hope for the Republican party after Donald Trump is gone? Longtime black conservative Robert George isn’t so sure. George was an early “canary in the coal mine,” ...

Karen Pence is a bigot

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In today’s UnPresidented podcast we delve into the latest shutdown updates and a few LGBT stories in the news, including Mike Pence’s wife Karen’s decision to work ...

The Traitor in the White House

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More bombshell reporting from the NYT and Washington Post reveal what we already knew, but what more Americans are coming to realize every day: Donald Trump is a traitor. But what can ...
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