Institute for War and Peace Reporting | Giving Voice, Driving Change

Promoting Free Expression

A rare opportunity to hear perspectives which remain largely uncovered.


Event hears how government and insurgent forces alike routinely abuse civilians.

Building Inclusive Societies

Activists work to break down stereotypes and celebrate co-existence.

Global Voices

ProjectsHighlights of IWPR programming in three-dozen countries around the world.

"IWPR fills a critical gap by helping local journalists to focus on human rights and justice issues. In the process, it contributes to democratic transitions, and demonstrates that the best war reporting is not about military conflict, but human consequences."

Samantha Power
Former United States Ambassador to the United Nations; Pulitzer Prize-winning author

"IWPR produces fine reports from unstable parts of the world that are too often ignored by the mainstream media — reports that promote understanding in place of entrenched bigotry and prejudice."

Martin Fletcher
The Times