This Week with David Rovics

Weekly syndicated musical commentaries on history and current events, available for anyone to stream, download or include as part of any broadcast.  You can subscribe to the podcast by searching for This Week with David Rovics wherever you get your podcasts or by downloading the free David Rovics mobile app for iOs or Android.


I also post This Week with David Rovics on Soundcloud.

For radio broadcasters, This Week with David Rovics is available via the Pacifica Audioport — every episode is completely FCC-friendly.  Other platforms you can find the podcast on each week include Spotify, YouTube, iTunes and Stitcher.

This Week with David Rovics BLOG

Current podcast episodes now also appear in slightly modified form as written commentaries on the This Week with David Rovics Blog on Blogger.  Written commentaries will also appear on Medium, Tumblr, and Reddit.

  • The Venezuela Deception March 8, 2019
    If you are getting your news from mainstream media, whether it's from supposedly "conservative," "liberal," or "objective" outlets, whether a corporate-owned or so-called "public" network, if you're in the US, the UK, and many other countries, you are being lied to. How much they're lying depends on what […]
  • The Bombs, Smokescreens and Fig Leaves of Progressive Zionism March 1, 2019
    It has certainly not been a slow week for news, as the pundits say. Military conflict between India and Pakistan, threats of war against Venezuela from both ruling parties in the US, as the empire slides ever faster towards open fascism. Trump met Kim in Hanoi while simultaneously making new threats at Iran and Cuba while his former lawyer testified in Congr […]
  • The War on Refugees February 22, 2019
    Note:  the State of Emergency I expected to be declared has been declared.  If you missed episode 28 of This Week with David Rovics, State of Emergency, you can check it out if you want.I recently asked the twittersphere for advice on how to get more interest among the twitterati in my tweets.  One of the more interesting responses came from someone who appe […]


Supporting the Podcast

This podcast, like everything else I do, as supported by members of my Community-Supported Art program.  But one-time donations are also most appreciated, and there are now various exclusive rewards available for those making such donations (with steep discounts for CSA members).


Sharing the Podcast

“It’s not folk music unless the folk are singing it.”

Can a short weekly podcast change the world, or at least have a real impact on society?  Yes, it can, is my unequivocal response to that question.  So can music, and many other things.  But only if people hear it.  If you like this podcast, please share it with at least one friend — preferably many friends.  Do you know anyone with a radio show, or who works as a Program Director for a community radio station?  Know anyone who has a podcast, a blog, or who writes for any kind of online or print publication?  Know any producers who work for Pacifica, BBC or CBC?  Anyone who can introduce the podcast to a new audience, whether it’s one new person or thousands of listeners to a popular radio show, podcast or other broadcast, is appreciated — by me and hopefully by lots of other people as well.

More ideas to make popular education popular again…

And the Critics Raved…

It’s informative and inspirational, and well worth listening to.

The Anarcho-Syndicalist Review

Counterpoint — Interview with Scott Harris, mostly about This Week with David Rovics podcast