The RTS image library presents flyers and photos from London street parties. You can download full-size flyers to use for your own street parties and protests.
Photographs displayed in the Image Library are copyright. You do not have permission, for example, to use them in a newspaper or magazine or suchlike, for which people have to pay or from which you or your boss stands to make a profit.

Leaflets & posters

Camden party, 14 May 1995

Upper Street party, 23 July 1995

Street Party '96, 13 July 1996 on the M41

Trafalgar Square, 12 April 1997

Strike Oil! 28 Nov 1997 (text)

Berlin party 29 Sep 1998

Nottingham party 19 Sep 1998

Cultures of Persistence at 186 Tower Bridge Road, London, 9 - 16 Jan 2000

Reclaim the Streets Zurich, 31 August 2002



Street Party '96: 13 July 1996 on the M41 p1 p2 p3

Trafalgar Square, 12 April 1997

Strike Oil! 28 Nov 1997

London Local Street parties, 6 June 1998 - Brixton and Tottenham

Subvertising in 1998

kids in sandpit on M41
RTS home
Updated 15 August 2002