Prisons and Class Warfare: An Interview with Ruth Wilson Gilmore

Clément Petitjean

February 21, 2019

Clément Petitjean: In Golden Gulag, you analyze the build-up of California's prison system, which you call “the biggest in the history of the world." Between 1980 and 2007, you explain that the number of people behind bars increased more than 450%. What were the various factors that combined to cause the expansion of that system? What were the various forces that built up the prison industrial complex in California and in the US?

Ruth Wilson Gilmore: Sure. Let me say a couple of things. That description, the biggest prison building project in the history of the world, I actually found in a report that was written by somebody whom the state of California contracted to analyze the system that had been on a steady growth trajectory since the late 1980s. So it's not even my claim, it's how they themselves described what they were doing.

So what happened is that the state of California, which is, and was, an incredibly huge and diverse economy, went through a series of crises. And those crises produced all kinds of surpluses — including workers, who were laid off from certain kinds of occupations, especially in manufacturing (not exclusively but notably). It produced surpluses of land. Because the use of land, especially but not exclusively in agriculture, changed over time, with the consolidation of ownership and the abandoning of certain types of land and land-use. It produced surpluses of finance capital. And this is one of the more contentious points that I do argue, to deadly exhaustion. And that is to say that while it might appear, looking globally, that the concept of surplus finance capital, at that time, in the early 1980s, seemed absurd, if you look locally, and see how especially investment bankers...

Eric Blanc
February 28, 2019

Yesterday was a very good day for educators and working people. Only a few hours after Bernie Sanders announced his presidential candidacy, striking West Virginia educators forced their Republican legislature to “indefinitely postpone” a reactionary omnibus bill legalizing education privatization. Though...

James Parisot
February 26, 2019

In the midst of the U.S. Civil War (1861 – 1865), as somewhere between half a million to three quarters of a million bodies lay dead from bullets and disease, Emanuel Leutze completed a painting titled Westward the Course of Empire Takes Its Way for the U.S. Capitol. The painting celebrated empire as central to American history. Included in the final draft of the painting was a free black man, subordinate to the leadership of the white men forging the path of empire across the continent; supposedly...

Richard Greeman
February 20, 2019

Eyewitness report from France. Deaf to the angry people’s legitimate grievances, unwilling to deal with them, Macron has given himself no other choice than to legislate new repressive legal restrictions to suppress their continued free expression.

On Tuesday, February 5, as the Macron government pushed
harsh repressive laws against demonstrators...

Mike Patrick
February 18, 2019

I was not born a socialist nor was I raised in a socialist family. Rather, I became a socialist because of circumstance or happenstance and only after a gradual process of self-awareness, and societal awareness, combined with a fortuitous encounter.

I was raised in what was called at the time a “stone” working class family in a small town on a beautiful lake in southern Wisconsin. But I never heard the term “working class” when I was growing up. My grandmother always told me that our family...

Adam H. Johnson
February 15, 2019

Recently, the New York Times continued its long, predictable tradition of backing U.S. coups in Latin America by publishing an editorial praising Donald Trump’s attempt to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. This will be the 10th such coup the paper...

Eva María
February 15, 2019

Gonzalo Gómez is a Venezuelan revolutionary, member of the socialist organization Marea Socialista and co-founder of the independent left-wing website He was interviewed by Eva María, and the interview was translated by Alejandro Q.  This interview was first published by International Viewpoint on February 6, 2019.

Note from the interviewer...

Edgard Sanchez
February 14, 2019

At the beginning the year a series of attacks, some slanderous, were unleashed against the EZLN following its New Year statements, especially those by Commander Moises, concerning the projects of the new Mexican government, headed by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO).

In a conversation on...

David Bacon
February 14, 2019

NAFTA had been in effect for just a few months when Ruben Ruiz got a job at the Itapsa factory in Mexico City in the summer of 1994. Itapsa made auto brakes for Echlin, a U.S. manufacturer later bought out by the huge Dana Aftermarket Group. In the factory, asbestos dust from brake parts coated machines and people alike. Ruiz had hardly begun his first shift when a machine malfunctioned, cutting four fingers from the hand of the man operating it.

It seemed clear to Ruiz that things were very wrong,...

A Statement by the Steering Committee of Solidarity
February 14, 2019

THE VICIOUS, DIRTY – and bipartisan – smear campaign against the first two Muslim women in the U.S. Congress, Ilhan Omar (MN) and Rashida Tlaib (MI), is just beginning. No one should imagine that Rep. Omar’s dignified apology for her tweets about the Israel lobby, which have been willfully twisted to accuse her of “anti-Semitic tropes,” will put an end to the attacks on her – or that Rep. Tlaib’s calling Donald Trump a “motherf****r”...

A Review by Samuel Farber
February 13, 2019

The following review essay will appear in a forthcoming issue of Against the Current. In view of the unfolding massive crisis and imperialist intervention in Venezuela, we are posting it here as it offers highly relevant information on the background and development of the situation in Venezuela and the region. As a review, of course it represents the views of the author. Samuel Farber was born and raised in Cuba and is the author of many books and articles dealing with that country. His...

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