Pop Quiz
Anybody seen Speed? (Perhaps the question should be has anybody not seen Speed?) If you have you'll no doubt recall the pop quiz motif:
Harry Temple: All right, pop quiz. Airport. Gunman with one hostage. He's using her for cover; he's almost to a plane. You're a hundred feet away. Jack?This is a real policeman's version:
Jack: Shoot the hostage.
If somebody was holding a 10-year-old child with a knife to the child's neck and is about to start cutting the child's head off, the only shot available might be to the head, in which case that's what would be done. (via)Strangely enough, in the movies, the scene where a bunch of trigger happy cops blow a Brazillian electrician's brains out always ends up on the cutting room floor. If only real life were so convenient.
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