Obama's been telling his audiences not to get overconfident, trying to use fear of collapse to drive them to the polls, but I think that's wrong. I think it runs counter to his appeal.
Obama should be drawing people, not trying to push them. That's not his strength.
If I were writing the campaign script, I would craft an arc designed to peak on that Thursday night before the election when he's purchased primetime air on all the networks.
The theme of the speech would be "historic," and it would consist of about 20 minutes of very real discussion of the problems we face, programs to address, etc, about 7 minutes of we, as Americans can overcome this, and then end with a "miracle of democracy," something like "Our forefathers gave us the means to change things, foresaw the need for the people in trying times..... Vote. Even if you aren't voting for me, go vote. This is the most important election..... This is historic."
Don't try to push your followers. Elevate, and lead them. Draw them through an inmstilled sense of purpose. That's what you do best. That's what they want from you.
(Just writing this thinking that the McCain camp is successfully dragging down the narrative.)
PS. How powerful is it that Obama has bought that primetime for a speech to set the tone and momentum for the last weekend?