Being an independent musician and songwriter without the backing of a major label or publisher can be frustrating. Take this song, No Fences. @MartinCilia and I wrote it many years ago as part of an album we were working on for my wife Nicole, who happens to have a very good country-pop voice. But having to raise families and use what cash we had to deliver our own projects (like Surplus and Dearth) meant Nicole has had to patiently wait. Finally we are ready to go and the album will be finished this year. This song however was so pertinent with the whole Mexico-Wall business that we just had to get it out, so it is exactly as recorded back in the 90s. All that’s happened is we’ve had it mastered. I would be thrilled if you would listen to it and if you like it, recommend it to any friends you have, especially those outside Australia. We reckon we write good songs and we don’t do it to make a fortune but to be heard. The song can be downloaded for less than a buck or streamed for about a cent. View it here.

1 Comment on NO FENCES – NICOLE

  1. Heard the song about 5 days ago, great country pop song, rode from Tamworth to Port MacQ (& back!) with it in my head, had to open the visor to clear out the song, making room for others from your catalog, Nicole enunciates well, clip is colorful, wide, spacious, the guy in the goatee has the look down- …..what’s not to like?

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