Live At The Civic DVD


Boxing Day 2004 will be remembered throughout history as the day of the Tsunami disaster. In Perth, however, in 41 degree heat another significant and historic event took place. DAVE WARNER’S FROM THE SUBURBS performed at the Civic Hotel and the event was captured on DVD by Insight Films’ Gavan O’Sullivan and his camera crew. It was by no means my best performance as I had been skittled by a four-wheel drive in Manly just a fortnight earlier and could barely move my right leg. Fortunately Johnny Leopard and the other guys powered on and we actually played a pretty tight set.

You can now see this set in all its glory plus intercuts of historic footage from the WARNER IN THE WILD film (1981) and 1986 and 1989 gigs at The Raffles Hotel. You will also be able to get my commentary on the origins of many of the songs that have become my trademark as I visit the “scenes” of inspiration: the suburb of Bicton and prattle on about how and why suburban rock was created. And that’s not all, you will also find the original film clips of Suburban Boy, Free Kicks, Kookaburra Girl and Meanwhile In The Suburbs. The price is $40 and if you can’t fly to Perth for the next gig on Anzac Eve at the Leopold Hotel, it is probably the next best thing.


Insight films was started in Perth in 1982 by Gavan O’Sullivan and was primarily occupied with shooting TV commercials. From 1982 to around 1989 we shot around 300 commercials — all on 35mm film for major clients like the banks, Brownes, Red Rooster etc. It was an exciting dynamic time in Perth with plenty of work and good music! Things slowed down a bit in 1989 and Insight moved to South East Asia and slotted right into their booming industry. After 7 years, mainly in Jakarta shooting around 300 more TVC’s and corporate style programs, we returned to Perth — a very quiet Perth.

Soon after our return, the SE Asia economic crash occurred so it was very lucky timing. Back in Perth it was time to take a fresh look at the industry and we decided to ‘do our own thing’ We now talk to clients directly and favour small to medium companies that are expanding, have a brave and dynamic attitude, and require video productions and TV commercials to promote themselves. This stuff pays the bills and allows us to do some fun projects like the Dave Warner DVD. The new technologies of the internet and DVD etc allow us to short cut all the traditional routes of TV stations or complex sources for funding and distribution with their ‘can’t do’ attitude and just do it! Yeah!