Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 1 April 2019

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, April 1, 2019, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Content Migration from Codex to HelpHub & DevHub – @atachibana
  2. HelpHub development – @milana_cap
  3. Inline Docs – @drewapicture and @atimmer
  4. Gutenberg Handbook – @dryanpress and @nosolosw
  5. Google Season of Docs

Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

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HelpHub Localisation Plan Meeting

Tuesday, 26th March 2019, at 2PM UTC

Documentation, polyglots and community teams are joining forces in an effort to make localisation come through for HelpHub. The same system could possibly be used for localising Make / Community handbooks.

Detailed explanation can be found here: HelpHub Localisation Plan.

The first meeting will be conducted via Zoom (downloading app is mandatory but registering to the website is not needed). Link for the meeting will be shared afterwards.

Meeting will happen on

Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 14:00 UTC

Everyone interested are welcome to participate.

Agenda for Docs Team Meeting 18 March 2019

Our next Documentation Team meeting is scheduled on

Monday, March 18, 2019, 15:00 UTC

in the #docs channel on Slack

Current Projects Updates:

  1. Content Migration from Codex to HelpHub & DevHub – @atachibana
  2. HelpHub development – @milana_cap
  3. Inline Docs – @drewapicture and @atimmer
  4. Gutenberg Handbook – @dryanpress @chrisvanpatten and @nosolosw

    Now we have “Block Editor” icon on the DevHub main page:
    But, the plan of moving contents is not clear from previous discussion. Can anyone explain it in the meeting or on #docs?

Open Floor

Feel free to comment if you have items to add to the agenda.

Summary for HelpHub meeting 11 March 2019


@milana_cap @atachibana @daveryan @iviolini @kartiks16 @jessecowens @softservenet @dinamiko @nullbyte @kafleg @kenshino @audrasjb attended

Development (Phase 1.5)

GitHub -> Trac: @milana_cap is collating issues that need moving towards Trac. We’re making sure that issues related to the portions of HelpHub that are committed to are tracked on Meta.Trac as patches would have to be provided there.

We also now have a proper slack channel #meta-helphub to discuss HelpHub development.

A regular bug scrub (perhaps once per month) will likely be planned and @milana_cap & @clorith will work out an appropriate time.

The GitHub repository will still be used for Phase 2 (working out code pieces that are not yet committed to and the staging environment will accommodate all code staging work. The repository has also been transferred to the WordPress Team – with the original team keeping autonomy on the repository.

Content (Phase 1.5)

We’re still working on migrating all WordPress version articles from Codex to HelpHub. So far about 90% of the articles have been migrated (props to @atachibana @kartikshukla @jarretc @subrataemfluence and @audrasjb)

The core team has already been using HelpHub to publish release notes since WordPress 5.0

Progress is being tracked via this Google Sheet – while migration is mostly done, @atachibana and team are working on the review and publishing process.

Block Editor Docs

@milana_cap, @clorith and a great team of volunteers helped copy over the block editor docs contributed from the peeps at Automattic (

Existing docs that refer to classic editor will be cloned and new block editor docs will be created and prefixed with -block-editor

  • will refer to the old way of adding new pages
  • will refer to the post WordPress 5.0 way of adding new pages

The old docs will be kept and the new docs will be linked straight from HelpHub’s homepage.

@daveryan will be working alongside @atachibana to determine if there are any more key block editor (Gutenberg) docs to be written. (Basically we should be providing enough information to help people get to learn the block editor)

The new block editor user docs are available here –


@iviolini is taking some time to get familiar with the needs of HelpHub. The WordPress versions require a proper archive page and that will likely be one of the first tasks to be worked on.

Localisation Plan

We’re still working out the technical aspects of the plan. But as it seems, the Community Team requires very similar work done to their Community Handbooks.

So we’re looking at a combined tech approach across Docs, Meta, Polyglots and Community Teams. (We have some peeps from Multilingual Press who are going to chime in too)

@milana_cap is trying to convene a Zoom call to get all related parties together and an appropriate time is being decided on this Doodle. Do fill it in if you’re interested – particularly if you are able to provide technical expertise and time to work our the issues.

You can read what went on in the meeting via Slack logs.

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Agenda for HelpHub meeting 11 March 2019

Hello all,

Next HelpHub meeting will happen on

Monday, March 11, 2019, 15:00 UTC
  1. Attendance
  2. Phase 1.5 Check-in
  3. Detailed content discussions
    • Content Migration Check-in (@atachibana)
    • Gutenberg Docs (@daveryan)
  4. HelpHub localisation
  5. Setup regular development bug scrub
  6. AOB

Helpful Links

  • HelpHub Staging –
  • GitHub repo –
  • State of HelpHub (read for Phase 2) –
  • Last HelpHub meeting minutes –

X-post: HelpHub Localisation Plan

X-post from HelpHub Localisation Plan

X-post: 5.0 Release Retrospective Kickoff

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