
Mexico: Metalworkers, universities join strike wave as 90,000 Walmart workers threaten to walk out

Dozens of maquiladora plants that agreed to the “20-32”—a 20 percent raise and a bonus of 32,000 pesos (US$1,700)—demanded by workers in Matamoros, Mexico, are escalating their reprisals against the historic wave of strikes that began in the city on January 12. This has included thousands of firings.

Class War 09/2019: “Yellow vests”

We published recently on our blog, as we had access to them and they reached us, some documents produced by and around the “yellow vest” movement that has been shaking France since several weeks. The following is a kind of introduction to all of them (an introduction that we usually publish before, indeed).

A Desperate Venezuela Today

A statement from the FAU (Uruguayan Anarchist Federation) on the current situation in Venezuela. First published at Revolt Against Plenty.

West Virginia Walkout Beats Back Neoliberal Education Bill

A #55Strong Update on the Omnibus Bill Walkouts From a West Virginia Teacher. This story was first published by the Black Rose Anarchist Federation.

Deliveroo Couriers Strike Against Poverty Pay – Manchester, 26th Feb!

On Tuesday 26th February between 11am and 7pm, Deliveroo couriers in Manchester will be striking in protest of the company’s recent cuts to pay and the poor working conditions they endure.

No Love for Deliveroo! A reflection on organising and mobilising in the “gig” economy.

A report from the New Syndicalist blog, discussing the recent Deliveroo riders' strike in Manchester.

Care Workers and the Sleep-in Crisis at Tipping Point

Care workers employed by care provider Alternative Futures Group (AFG) have recently voted on industrial action in a Unison organised ballot over the long-running, sleep-in dispute. Ballots have now been counted, and 87.4% voted to strike on a 51.5% turnout.

Picket Line Lessons: The UTLA Teacher Strike

Assembly of teachers, parents, and students at UCLA Community School in Koreatow

Members of Black Rose/Rosa Negra – Los Angeles who were involved in community mobilization in support of the strike and as members of UTLA provide their summary and analysis. The article highlights the community-worker nature of the strikes demands, the conditions of the settlement, the pitfalls of union leadership and labor law, as well as outlining next steps in the struggle.

Interview With NZ Social Activist: Alex Pirie

Aotearoa Workers' Solidarity Movement (AWSM) interviews NZ-based social activist Alex Pirie. He discusses his personal circumstances as well as local, regional, national and international issues.