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AMCRAN Incident Report Form Print E-mail
Action Alerts
Sunday, 09 August 2009


If you have been subject to unreasonable questioning or searching by Australian authorities in a way that you do not think was fair, please report it to AMCRAN via the form below. You can submit the information anonymously, unless you choose to include your contact details by answering the last three questions.  


If you do choose to provide your contact details, we will only use the details in order to get in contact with you.  Your comments will remain anonymous and your name will not be revealed in any reports where AMCRAN may draw on your experiences.  Your contact details will be kept securely and will be destroyed after we contact you.  


Be Informed: New anti-terror laws and the Muslim community -- a plain English explanation Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Friday, 30 December 2005


On 8 September the Prime Minister introduced a 12-point plan outlining new anti-terror laws in a press release. Two weeks later he went to the Council of Australian Governments (‘COAG’) meeting with the proposals. By and large, all of the Premiers and Chief Ministers approved the measures.


On 6 December 2005, the Senate passed the Anti-Terrorism Bill (No.2) 2005. The Bill will soon become law.

The Bill was passed, despite the protests of leading legal experts, academics, politicians and civil rights groups, including AMCRAN, who carefully analysed the legislation.


There are serious human rights concerns with the legislation. It is open to abuse in its application and it does not carry the safeguards that the Prime Minister promised.


We will outline the new anti-terror laws and explain some of the practical implications of the new laws, with an emphasis on the impact on the Muslim community.


Action Alert: Opportunity to write to Senate Committee about anti-terror laws Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Thursday, 27 October 2005

As the proposed anti-terror laws look set to be introduced into Parliament in the coming weeks, there is only very little time to have your say. However there is a final opportunity which should be taken advantage of. The Anti-Terrorism Bill is likely to be referred to a Senate Committee Inquiry, which will review the Bill. A Senate Committee Inquiry will be an opportunity for members of the community to express their views in a meaningful way as they will be considered by the Committee. The Committee will be required to report to Parliament about the Bill, including whether or not there is widespread public support or opposition.

Every person can make a submission that will have an impact on this Bill, but we must move quickly.


Be informed: Why every Muslim should be alarmed about the proposed anti-terror laws Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Tuesday, 13 September 2005
This has been a very tough year for Muslims in Australia, but new anti-terror laws put forward by the Prime Minister could make it even tougher. AMCRAN has prepared this document to assist the Muslim community to understand the impact of the proposed laws. Please circulate widely through your networks. The proposed new laws don’t just affect terrorists. They affect all Australians, but will have a particularly difficult impact on Muslims.


Action Alert: Make a submission to review of ASIO powers Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Friday, 11 March 2005


The Federal Government is reviewing some parts of the anti-terrorism legislation it introduced three years ago. In particular, they are reviewing the powers ASIO has to detain people that are not even suspected of being involved in terrorist activities for seven days.


YOU can make a submission that will have an impact on this legislation; but you must move quickly. Making a submission is as easy as putting your thoughts in an e-mail or a fax.  If you are unsure what to write, we have also a pro-forma submission that you can use.


DEADLINE for submissions: 24 March 2005

Be Informed: Review of ASIO detention and questioning powers Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Wednesday, 23 February 2005


Anti-terrorism laws allow ASIO to detain and question people that they suspect may have information related to terrorism. Under these laws, people do not have the right to silence and they are subject to secrecy provisions which means that they are not allowed to talk about the fact that there has been a warrant against them.


The good news is that the Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, ASIS and DSD is reviewing these laws by looking at the effect and operation of these laws.


The Committee wants to hear the views of the public by 24 March 2005 , so this is an important opportunity to let them know your views about these laws. At the end of the review they will make recommendations to Parliament about how to change or improve these laws.


To help you get started, UTS Community Law Centre has just released a very helpful Information Kit (download it here) that provides the background information about the laws as well as information about how to make submissions to the review.

Action Alert: Kill Bill No. 2! Campaign against Anti-Terrorism bill (No 2) 2004 Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Wednesday, 30 June 2004


The Government is trying to introduce new legislation that would make it illegal to meet or communicate with a person who is a member of a terrorist organisation, with a penalty of three years. The law is being reviewed by a Senate Committee. YOU can make a submission that will have an impact on this legislation; but you must move quickly. Submissions close 8 July 2004. All the info you need, as well as a pro forma submission, can be found below.

Kill Bill No. 2 Print E-mail
Past Campaigns
Thursday, 24 June 2004


 The government has introduced yet another piece of anti-terrorism legislation.  The Anti-Terrorism Bill (No 2) introduces a new offence of associating with 'terrorists', and proposes to prevent people from leaving Australia even before a warrant has been issued against them.

The opposition has not made any public comment as to whether or not it will support the Bill, however, Senator Kerry Nettle has said that she will push for the Bill to be referred to a Senate Inquiry.

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