
Expanding transparency around political ads on Twitter

By Twitter Inc.
Tuesday, 19 February 2019

We continue to be committed to enforcing stricter policies for political advertisers and providing clear, transparent disclosure for ads on Twitter. This is part of our overall goal to protect the health of the public conversation on our service and to provide meaningful context around all political entities who use our advertising products.

Last May, we launched our Political Campaigning Policy in the United States to provide clear insight into how we define political content and who is advertising political content on Twitter. In conjunction, we launched the Ads Transparency Center (ATC). The ATC allows anyone across the globe to view ads that have been served on Twitter, with even more details on political campaigning ads, including ad spend and targeting demographics.

Today, we’re expanding our political ads policy and transparency approach to include all European Union member states, India, and Australia.

When will enforcement begin?
Enforcement of this policy will begin the week commencing March 11th in these countries, after which only certified advertisers will be allowed to run political campaigning ads on our service. Political advertisers must apply now for certification and go through the every step of the process.

What’s next?
Our teams will continue to build the operational and tooling support to expand our political advertising policies to other key markets throughout 2019. We strongly believe that meaningful transparency is the best path forward for all advertising products we offer, particularly those that are utilized in a political context.

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