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Planning tool to assist Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Ltd

The Foundation has developed a database for the Aboriginal Legal Service (NSW/ACT) Ltd to assist with planning their Criminal Law Practice services.

About the project
In 2018, the ALS approached the Foundation to explore how data might be used to estimate workload for ALS offices and assist with planning their Criminal Law Practice services. The Foundation sourced criminal court statistics on finalised matters involving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander defendants* from BOCSAR to develop a proxy indicator of potential demand for ALS services in NSW.

The data was processed to create an interactive online tool that can be used to display the number of finalised matters involving Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander defendants by level of court (Local, Children's, District, Supreme) and by court location in NSW. You can also filter data by ALS Office, or by ALS Region or ALS cluster. The purpose of the tool is to help the ALS plan to meet demand for their Criminal Law Practice services.

Data for the 2012-2016 period was first published in 2018 and has now been updated to include 2017 data.
Where can I see the data?
Data is available from Tableau Public. No software is required to access the Tableau dashboards.

Visit Law and Justice Foundation of NSW Tableau home page

* Indigenous status as recorded in BOCSAR data includes people who identified as Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or both.