Tuesday, November 20, 2018

John Ford is, er, coming. Oh - hello Tina!

The frightfully delightful John Ford, former blagger/hacker extraordinaire for The Sunday Times, will shortly be paying a visit to my psychic parlour and naming names on the astral plane.

Meanwhile, another tale from the phone hacking annals, at the Sunday Mirror under Tina Weaver, disgraced former editor.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Madame Arcati: Why were my online knickers rummaged in?

Thought I'd gone away did you? In your dreams, hybrid bitches and bastards. I have been summoned to life by a most peculiar revelation. Madame Arcati's online knickers were rummaged in. Or to put it in your prosaic terms, someone illegally broke into the Madame Arcati email account for reasons yet to be ascertained. Sometime in 2007 or thereabouts.

People familiar with the world of Arcati will be used to surprises. So here's another. The person who rummaged about in my online knickers is a man called John Ford. He was a private investigator seasoned in the dark arts of blagging - conning his way past the underpaid lumps employed to protect our privacy in various organisations in order to gain access to confidential data, such as contained in bank or email accounts. His principal hirer was The Sunday Times - and if you need further education, this piece in the Guardian is a good starting point.

This is a scandal rumbling under. Mainstream media are sitting on the vibrating spin dryer of this tale of shame and, for all I know, deriving much pleasuring from the experience, with eyes wide shut. Many, many famous people were blagged, claims Ford. Some are well known - Cherie Blair, John Prescott, for starters. Perhaps as I compose this little post they are talking to their lawyers. Who knows but they?

The Sunday Times answers that it is a delver of Plutonic proportions, a digger for dirt without a stain, that's done nothing wrong but ferret for the truth within the law. One hopes so! I wonder what truth was sought in Madame Arcati's online knickers? Especially after I ran a story or two back in 2007 which may have embarrassed certain lifers on the newspaper. Well, in the absence of facts, one is compelled to speculate. What was Madame Arcati to anyone much?

But back to Mr Ford. Ordinarily, I would bring down a curse upon his head and home - people familiar with this blog know its history and what untold damage it has done to transgressors, bullies and cheats. Instead Mr Ford and Madame Arcati have become buddies. I don't quite yet understand the nature of his spiritual or medical epiphany but at some point he saw the light and the error of his ways. He turned against his old muckers at The Sunday Times and elsewhere and spilled with documentary evidence. Google it. It's not on the dark web.

Oh, news to you is it? You need to get in more - read this cunties, or this filth.

Quite what Madame Arcati does next in terms of legal reaction remains to be seen. May be something, may be nothing. After all, there are much bigger fish to fry, aren't there Hacked Off? Even in the world of lawyers, the celebrity values of Hello! hold sway. But shortly, Madame will be talking with John Ford.

Meantime, meet Mr Ford:

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Spacey: the Clinton lure

So, two months after the Unite for the Future gala concert (see posting below), at which Spacey showed some interest in Art Garfunkel's male employee X, Spacey phoned the young man - "What are you doing tomorrow tonight? Do you want to hang out with me and Bill Clinton at the U2 gig?"
Spacey knew exactly what effect that would have; he drops names like there's no tomorrow.
X couldn't say no to that invitation.

Stephanie Mastini: Ignore Odiferous Tacoma aroma

Dear Madame,
Pay no attention to the Odoriferous Tacoma aroma behind the curtain...(BAAL) ... they have been hugging too many trees and eating the mushrooms.

I am proud to have played a bit part on your lovingly scandalous site. I love penises, gossip, mayhem, critics ... and delight in your candor!

Here's wishing you an undoubtedly coveted second year ... you are a delightful mentor (:.

I am sipping that Cristal I have been saving for your firework display! You have inspired many; pissed off a few ... (ha-ha) ... and brought color into many a dull life.

Remember BAAL (big asses are losers) - it's not nice to fool with Mother (Madame) nature!!

Keep all those personas a-coming ANON!
Luv you MA x
Happy Birthday once again to you!!


Kevin Spacey's ex-sister-in-law: Part 2

Stephanie has written a further response to the Randy Fowler interview on this site - the letter is unedited:

..an epilogue..
I liken this to Anna Nicole's adamant refusal to reveal who the father of her child is...Pandora's box, you are correct! but what is in the box that needs to be competely emptied is my platform. From my view point, I get the dark feeling that the "anonymous" comments in this blog is Kevin speaking through them..literally. (I am not saying I know for sure, and I am only speculating that this is alledgingly a possibility..it is a free speech country)

Why wouldn't he want to help his brother..make a statement and be family. This quiet violent storm has been brewing for too long (even when I was Randy's wife) and all Randy wants to do is tell the truth..he has never smeared his brother's name; so why after all these years can't he admit there was a photo of Hitler on his parents mantlepiece (I saw it) for a small but significant example.(I only bring this up to support what Randy has stated before about his childhood) and Randy is certainly not twisting the truths.)

to reiterate ..the only reason Randy, wrote this book is to exorcise other vitim's demons and perhaps be a voice for halting, possibly,potential victims. Another point I would like to add is that Randy did not want to involve his ill mother, so he waited until now to come forward (he bears no blame)...I have NEVER come forth before, but now I am saying "enough"..I too, am a victim of family abuse and it is a long road..

If Kevin acknowlged that his brother is on a positive crusade wouldn't his presence of support help all the female,children and yes, male victims be saved from the emotional and physical distress this disease ignites..Kevin's support(voice)could save so many. Kevin invoves himself in so many other charities, so why not stand up and support this cause that he knows first hand? I truly hope a positive connection will assimilate soon.

Randy Fowler - 'Leave my bro Kevin Spacey alone!'

Kevin Spacey's brother Randy Fowler has launched a vicious attack on Madame Arcati ...

I agreed to do an interview earlier this year with Madame Arcati hoping to set the record straight concerning my brother Kevin Spacey. It seems to have no good at all. This web site seems to be driven by rumors and half truths.

It’s also sad to see that you continue to look for ways to frame Kevin Spacey as gay, who cares? I don’t. What difference does it really make to your life? Does this make him less worthy of a little respect and privacy concerning his private life.

You people need to get a life and focus on something that’s important to this planet rather than being consumed with Kevin’s sexuality.

How would you like it if someone did a poll on all of you for being so cruel and delusional for having such empty hearts?

As one famous person once said: “He who is without sin cast the first stone” You people seem to have an entire truck load of stones just ready to dump on Kevin. STOP IT !!

What’s extremely disturbing to me is you continue to egg on Stephanie for a juicy comment from her to drive this article. Have you no decency for her or yourself? I think not.

{Dear Kevin, I’m sorry that people can’t look at you for the wonderful acting you have given us these past twenty five years. Instead they continue to feed the world large bags bull shit about you and your private life. I feel they all need many years of serious therapy. However I can relate, they have done the same thing to me over the last four years concerning my biography about the after effects of child abuse. Oh how they love to twist the truth to suit their own needs.}

I know by me posting this comment I’m inviting the mental masturbation to flow freely from the mouths of the dazed and confused. Unfortunately the comments won’t be from the better half of humanity.

Sincerely with love
Randy B. Fowler

Madame Arcati responds: Thank you for your letter Randy. No one's trying to "frame your brother as gay"; anything that I report is from people who have worked very closely with him - but his homosexuality is essentially unimportant. What is interesting - and you yourself highlighted this point in your interview with me - is that he has lied about his family and even now puts up smokescreens. You yourself told me that Kevin has borrowed events from your own life and presented them as his own. I quite admire Spacey's fans for their resilient defence of their idol and delight in playing my part in sharpening their wits.

To read Randy's letter on Kevin's bio-theft, click here

Randy Fowler's interview with Madame Arcati, click here

Kevin Spacey - back in the movies!

In a predictable volte face, Kevin Spacey has now decided that movies are still important to him and he will return as Lex Luthor in Superman: Man Of Steel, as foreseen by your reliable media clairvoyante only a few weeks ago. Feel free to send me your pathetic attempts at apology.

Remember how I laughed at Spacey's claim a few weeks ago that he'd be shifting his focus on theatre production, away from movies - "I don't care about my personal acting career any more. I'm done with it" - that's what he actually said in an interview with ITV's London Tonight. Subsequently The Times reported that the actor had used the word "retirement" (from film acting) in the interview - this he denies in a phone chat with Daily Variety - "Theater is the No 1 thing in my life. But I love movies and will continue to make movies when I can," he says now. It's a more sensible mantra.

But my God! You mean to say one of the most prestigious of the dead tree media, in the world, made up a quote? Oh my! I never thought I'd see the day. I think The Times should consider suing him for libel. I'm sure he'll have more sense than bother the Press Complaints Commission - an organisation of toothless, methane emitters, lunchers extraordinaire and corrupt scrotes, full of anecdotes shared with the drunk fantasists who edit our nation's dead tree sheets.

More troubling is the news that Spacey is appearing in Nick Moran's Telstar, all about '60s record mogul Joe Meek. Is that the song of a turkey farm ringing in my ears? The last time Moran had the misfortune of encountering Arcati (in Cannes) I nearly destroyed his career and certainly earned him the eternal enmity of Vinnie Jones - one of my finer minor moments. I won't go into the details now.

Meanwhile, Spacey is so up his movie career, he's got two other films coming out in the next few months - Fred Claus (more turkey song) and Robert Luketic's 21, in which he plays an MIT professor who teaches his students to count cards. Never mind, Superman will keep the popcorn hot.

His Lex Luthor brings out the inner camp that resides with him, as Stanislavsky might say.

Spacey: Randy's best wishes

A message from Randy Fowler on his website (see below)
Happy Birthday Kevin (July 26), I truly hope you have a wonderful day filled with wild parties and good friends by your side who love you as much as I do. Call me sometime, I know you're a busy guy, I would love to talk with you. With love from your Brother, Randy

Who's she calling Madame Batshit?

Am I to understand that Francine Mastini has referred to her own sister Stephanie Mastini (the ex-sister-in-law of the double Oscar-winning actor Kevin Spacey) as "Madame Batshit"* on her website? This is indeed a grave matter, for plainly the Madame bit is a sly dig at Steph's presence on Madame Arcati. I hope that Madame Arcati can control her temper and does not feel compelled to wage a terrible and merciless war on this person.

Francine can't be all bad though for I see someone called Thom Ryng, an author of occult literature, is in love with her and maybe her fiance: among other things he's an "Oblate of the Order of St. Benedict at St. Martin's Abbey in Lacey, Washington"; and he's written a poem to Francine which ends with the lines:

Let others dream their
Lives in parking lots;
Seek with me the sea.

To read the tender poem click here

To acquaint yourself with Francine click here

Madame Arcati truly immerses herself in the lives of others. Aren't you impressed?

*I am informed that Francine has now removed the Batshit reference. I shall take it for granted in future that any comment she leaves here will be in her own name.

Kevin Spacey meets a very important person

Kevin Spacey finds time for a three hour meeting/dinner with Jesus-loving Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in the presidential palace in Caracas (yesterday), yet is elusive to his lovely brother Randy Fowler who has not even received a Christmas card from him in years. Follow the labels for the full and exclusive family story behind the man who should be called Kevin Fowler.

Spacey: 'Help Randy fight sex abuse!'

Kevin Spacey's former sister-in-law, Stephanie, has responded again to various comments - here she eloquently describes the trauma associated with sexual abuse, pertinent to Kevin's brother Randy Fowler who was raped repeatedly by his father. Both Randy and Stephanie feel that Kevin should join his name with theirs in raising awareness of sexual abuse of all forms in order to help disinhibit victims from reporting the crime to the police and authorities.

First a response to Fanny Hill..you profess that I shoudn't air my dirty laundry, yet the name Fanny Hill is synonymous with her memoirs of "pleasure"...she "aired out" more than her dirty laundry. No, this isn't a "pleasurable" subject, but someone needs to speak out. It's not going to go away...especially on the internet.

Paedophilia, rape, abuse of any kind is not an enjoyable topic to discuss but it has only been of late that women and men are getting on the bandwagon and telling their story.

Do you have any idea what a woman has to go through just to report a rape (or man, whether gay or heterosexual?}. Victims hide the truth because of fear that they might have instigated or enticed the act.. while their life is being scutinized and torn apart...they are told they shouldn't speak out because of anything in their past..what? How does that relate to the act itself?

But the laws don't protect the victims! Is it to break them down and get more white collar crimes on the court docket? SO MANY VICTIMS OF ABUSE are encouraged by the law to "let it go". Oh, you let your neighbor in didn't you? Yes, but, how could they know his intention was rape while their daughter lay sleeping in the next room? Would you scream and have your child witness possibly be involved also? But "you let him in", so it's your fault.

These stories go on everyday and destroy families. The laws should be changed. There are men out there that are abused by women and embarrassed to come forward ..YES, it is horrible and we shove it under the carpet. Sweep it all away..and you wonder why there are so many drug companies making a fortune on anti-depressants.

If I had been raped by my father [as was my ex-husband Randy Fowler], I would have been scared to death to tell anyone, because he was a well-known community man. I have seen it happen so many times. So, no, I am not going to stop. I will stop when I see some money being raised for the victims who can't afford to go to court and nail these SOB's. It all trickles down if it is not stopped or talked about..that is why we need more public awareness of this pervasive problem. Victims should not be put through more abuse because they were brave enough to come forward.

This is Randy's purpose, and since we did open up "pandora's box" than let's see how we can fill it up...my wish is an outpouring of celebrities to raise awareness and funds for programs. That is why I came "out"...

Kevin has washed his hands of this forum. I can see a world-wide awareness campaign and Kevin you CAN help your brother get the word out without revealing your personal life, if that is what you are worried about..ignorance is not bliss...Randy has not been quixotic...he IS addressing his past for practical reasons ... and maybe Kevin might not like Randy, but does he like the knowledge that Randy hid his malteatment and many suffered because of it?

By not addressing his brother for years he has been holding the key that could unlock the fear of others to speak out.