Bradford 12: Self-Defence is No Offence.

Anandi Ramamurthy's history of the Bradford 12 trial, in which twelve members of the United Black Youth League were arrested on conspiracy charges for preparing to defend their community...

Jesse Cohn looks at the engagement and activities of Jewish people in the international anarchist movement, their involvement in labour struggles, propaganda by deed and their relationship to...

Demonstration of the Anwar Ditta Defence Campaign.

Anandi Ramamurthy analyses the involvement of women within the Asian Youth Movements and how the groups engaged (or didn't) with issues of gender, sexism and women's liberation both...


An excellent analysis by the late Fredy Perlman of the enduring appeal of nationalism to statist rulers of both left and right.



A short history on the influence of William Cuffay, a black tailor, and Irish Catholic workers in the Chartist movement and how the British ruling class used racism to divide an increasingly...