Jesse Cohn looks at the engagement and activities of Jewish people in the international anarchist movement, their involvement in labour struggles, propaganda by deed and their relationship to...

Demonstration of the Anwar Ditta Defence Campaign.

Anandi Ramamurthy analyses the involvement of women within the Asian Youth Movements and how the groups engaged (or didn't) with issues of gender, sexism and women's liberation both...

Hinterland cover

Comrade Motopu provides an overview of Phil Neel’s book and attempts to place it in the ongoing debates over the centrality of labor movements vs. surplus populations and riots vs. strikes.


The IWW in Australia.

Episode on the early history of the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union in Australia, in conversation with Paula DeAngelis. Paula is a historian and contributed to...


Micky Fenn, docker, socialist and anti-fascist.

Interview with Micky Fenn, a socialist and trade unionist on the London Docks, discussing how he and other dock workers confronted racism among their workmates, particularly after the notorious...