SMH editorial | The Sydney Morning Herald


Coalition’s dodgy deals on refugees

Coalition’s dodgy deals on refugees

There is a clear scare campaign, based on the Coalition’s dangerous and disingenuous claim the medical evacuation bill weakens border security.


Rugby league must move with the times

Rugby league must move with the times

Not only are parents refusing to put their children in harm's way but they also think differently about life. While in the old days, savagery was seen as a way of breeding resilience, society at large no longer wants to encourage recklessness.

Shorten must show his mettle on refugees
Asylum seekers

Shorten must show his mettle on refugees

The issue of asylum seekers was always expected to be a challenging one for Opposition leader Bill Shorten in his quest to win government.

Callan Park deserves a better vision, but the right one

Callan Park deserves a better vision, but the right one

Callan Park can become the inner west's own version of Centennial Park, provided we get the vision right.

NSW gets some clear air for its campaign
Gladys Berejiklian

NSW gets some clear air for its campaign

The long federal election campaign is good news for Gladys Berejiklian.

Time for listening: government must listen to Indigenous people

Time for listening: government must listen to Indigenous people

The history of white settlement in Australia has been marred by failure to take the views of Indigenous people seriously.

Even minority governments must do their job
Asylum seekers

Even minority governments must do their job

This period of minority government will place many strains on Australia's political system.

A rare Australian victory for the cause of human rights

A rare Australian victory for the cause of human rights

Three cheers for those who campaigned to free Hakeem al-Araibi.

Morrison must break with climate denialists
Scott Morrison

Morrison must break with climate denialists

The Prime Minister now admits climate change is hurting. Now he needs policies.

Tim Wilson should quit or be dumped

Tim Wilson should quit or be dumped

The pre-eminent principle that positions of public office are positions of public trust has been trashed by Mr Wilson’s misuse of a key parliamentary committee to pursue a political agenda.

Fresh thinking over lockout laws

Fresh thinking over lockout laws

The major parties support the lockouts, while flailing around for measures to alleviate the pressure on the entertainment sector.