Roman Quaedvlieg's girlfriend pleads guilty over misleading corruption probe

Roman Quaedvlieg's girlfriend pleads guilty over misleading corruption probe

Sacked Australian Border Force commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg's girlfriend, Sarah Rogers, has pleaded guilty to misleading corruption investigators during a probe over her controversial employment.

Ms Rogers, 23, was summoned to give evidence before the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity in 2017 over claims Mr Quaedvlieg helped her secure a job at the government agency.

Roman Quaedvlieg's girlfriend, Sarah Rogers, has pleaded guilty to misleading a corruption probe against the pair.

Roman Quaedvlieg's girlfriend, Sarah Rogers, has pleaded guilty to misleading a corruption probe against the pair.Credit:Joel Carrett

She pleaded guilty before Downing Centre Court magistrate Karen Robinson to one count of giving false or misleading information and one of disclosing the existence of, or information about her summons. Prosecutors withdrew a third charge of giving false or misleading information.

Mr Quaedvlieg, 54, sat beside her with his arm around her during the brief appearance. He was sacked in March 2018 in the wake of the investigation and has maintained his innocence.


Ms Rogers' solicitor, Bryan Wrench, previously told the court the prosecution case against his client was "nitpicky" and said the allegedly misleading information she gave investigators appeared not to have had any "material outcome" on the probe.

The court heard five hours of Ms Rogers' video-recorded interview would be tendered at a sentencing hearing on May 23. "She’s crying, she’s emotional, she’s basically giving evidence against her partner," he said of the footage.

Mr Wrench said Ms Rogers' reasons for making the misleading statements would be explained at the future hearing.

More to come.

Angus Thompson is a court reporter for the Sydney Morning Herald.

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