Thu 15 Oct 2009 | 10:50 BST
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A logo of the Swiss mining company Xstrata is shown at the Headquarters in Zug March 26, 2008.   REUTERS/Michael Buholzer

Xstrata drops Anglo merger plan 7:36am BST

Mining group Xstrata drops its pursuit of rival Anglo American after many Anglo shareholders rejected a "merger of equals" proposal and demanded a premium.  Full Article | Quote 

The Russian research vessel the Akademik Fyodorov with miniature submarines on board sails in the Arctic Ocean in this Reuters Television image taken from a television broadcast August 2, 2007. REUTERS/Reuters Television
Arctic Ocean to be ice-free

Global warming will leave the Arctic Ocean ice-free during the summer within 20 years, raising sea levels and harming wildlife such as seals and polar bears, a leading scientist says.  Full Article 

Internet freedom prevails over gag order

The withdrawal of an injunction stopping The Guardian from reporting a parliamentary question demonstrates the web's power against attempted censorship.  Commentary 


Britain ready to send 500 more troops to Afghanistan Wednesday, 14 Oct 2009 

LONDON (Reuters) - Britain is ready to raise troop numbers in Afghanistan by 500 to 9,500, Prime Minister Gordon Brown said on Wednesday, providing certain conditions are met.  Full Article  |  Video  

Pakistan police targeted as attacks kill 24 9:03am BST 

LAHORE, Pakistan (Reuters) - Militants launched a string of attacks on police in Lahore in the Pakistani heartland and in the troubled northwest on Thursday, killing 24 people after a week of violence in which more than 100 people died.  Full Article  

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First snow

Though to most parts of the northern hemisphere it's still autumn, first snowfalls are kicking off winter elsewhere.