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Best of the Board
Damn Boss level...

(Ninj, Sat 16 Feb, 21:01, 3 replies)

(monkeon, Thu 14 Feb, 23:31, 5 replies)
President simulator installed at the White House.

(S4RK, Thu 14 Feb, 23:21, 1 replies)
Bus Swap

(monkeon, Tue 12 Feb, 22:37, 1 replies)
Star Potter: The Next Hogwarts

(vbloke, Tue 12 Feb, 12:00, 1 replies)
And straight in at number 10 it's...

(S4RK, Tue 12 Feb, 11:32, 2 replies)

(Alligator, Mon 11 Feb, 14:12, 5 replies)
Another summit coming up....we need a new order

(The Twisted Omentum, Sat 9 Feb, 18:32, 3 replies)

(Ninj, Sat 9 Feb, 15:30, 1 replies)
Jeremy Lydon

(Ninj, Sat 9 Feb, 15:29, 4 replies)
geek art
What could be more b3ta than nerdy computer related stuff mixed with famous works of art? Shove your Nyan cats in to Van Gogh's night sky or go the whole hog and code up some AI that can auto generate a new Picasso. Give us your geek art.
See all 40 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 16th Feb at 4pm
The Daily Batman
Caped Crusaders are people too

See all 20 popular links (4 made popular today)
linked to by dokk on 18th Feb at 11pm
B3ta newsletter 709 - read our newsletter were we exclusively reveal everything good that's on the internet is because of us.
Read newsletter 709
published by rob on 15th Feb at 4pm
Political Pop
Who doesn't love politicians getting musical, whether it's D:Ream being played at the Labour conference or David Cameron saying how he relates to The Smiths it's always a perfect marriage. So lets take it further and pop up our politicians. Album covers, name puns, face swaps, get to it
See all 87 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 9th Feb at 2pm
Beatles Films
Peter Jackson is turning 55 hours of previously unseen Beatles footage in to a new movie, so lets jump on that bandwagon and movie up The Beatles. Photoshop them in to films or give us some lovely song based cinema puns.
See all 90 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 2nd Feb at 7am
B3ta newsletter 708 - out now. Featuring a Monkeon's wonderful alternative LP covers things, the return of the B3ta dictionary and a small sausage named Joe. Hi Joe!
Read newsletter 708
published by rob on 27th Jan at 11am
Prop Swaps
We're messing with Movie Props this week. Mash them up, delete them, swap them, replace them, make obscure anagram puns about them. Go!
See all 133 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 25th Jan at 2pm
B3ta newsletter 707, out now - featuring new John Higgs book announcement and Jeff Minter film announcement. A lot of announcements. Hooray.
Read newsletter 707
published by rob on 19th Jan at 9pm
Celebrity Animals
Mix celebrities with their animal namesakes, give us a Drake, Michael J Fox and all the rest.
See all 86 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 18th Jan at 11pm
Game of the film
Games based on films have a chequered past, lets celebrate this hit and miss (mainly miss) genre with our own movie tie-ins. Give modern films a C64 makeover or turn Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy in to a type in adventure.
See all 54 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 11th Jan at 5pm
B3ta newsletter 706 - out now. Great quiz from Monkeon and a superb challenge. Do tuck in.
Read newsletter 706
published by rob on 5th Jan at 9pm
Rename Films Badly
We're renaming famous films this week. Pick a movie, throw away it's carefully considered and focus group tested title and replace it with something much funnier.
See all 141 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 4th Jan at 11pm
80s Internet
Everyone loves the internet and everyone loves the 80s, so lets do the internet as if it were the 80s!
Show us band pages, Twitter accounts, rubiks cube instagram and all that other 80s internetness
See all 35 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 28th Dec at 5pm
Christmas Food
It's Christmas! A time for eating and eating and eating some more and feeling terrible and still eating some more. Burn off those calories by photoshopping the heck out of Christmas food, sprouts, turkey, tofurkey, cranberry sauce and quality street. Give us your puns, your anagrams, your toaps make us laugh until we're sick and have room for some more.
See all 42 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 21st Dec at 8pm
B3ta newsletter 705 - out now. Featuring the brilliant Band Aid simulator from Monkeon.
Read newsletter 705
published by rob on 21st Dec at 3pm