Hasil pencarian
  1. 2 jam yang lalu

    Another fun commission done!

  2. A set of dice with green leaves, white and black swirls, and black painted numbers.
  3. 6 Apr

    my character, Revana wild magic Sorcerer

  4. 2 jam yang lalu

    So I'm going to run a sci-fi (Crystalpunk ) campaign soon and this is basically the party my friends made 😐

  5. 2 Apr

    Priest’s Cant 🧙🏻‍♂️⚔️😂 credit to: SevenDaNumber

  6. 9 Apr

    You better start believing in homebrew worlds, cause you are in one 🏜 🧙🏻‍♂️⚔️⚔️ credit to: HootysBooty

  7. 9 Apr

    Folx, it may not have pretty CSS yet, but my GM Assistant is officially working! Shoutout to for the awesome API that made all of this happen. Now, any thoughts on an API I can use to add a random NPC name generator?

  8. 9 jam yang lalu
  9. 2 jam yang lalu
  10. 9 Apr

    In your game don't forget that enemies using equipment can change a battle a LOT. The party enters the cave and kills two goblin guards only to be ambushed by a mundane bat carrying a .357 magnum revolver.

  11. 2 Apr

    character concept Aracockra Cleric He's a bird of pray

  12. Me: "I have some time, let's update this campaign 1 character's article!" 800 words later, barely out of the prologue... "Okay, so I'm making a day of this, cancel my plans."

  13. 9 Apr

    Session 0 went amazingly! I have four awesome female players, all who bring something unique to the table, with tonally different and interesting concepts. I'm so excited to DM for them. 🥰

  14. 23 jam yang lalu

    One of my players has an extremely flirtatious kitsune bard who wanted to audition for the cheer squad and impress the handsome fire genasi team captain. Rolled a 1 on her performance check and it was far more fun than if she'd just performed adequately.

  15. 6 Apr

    Where does one even begin when running a Dark Fantasy Campaign? Check out our article to find out and bring an extra level of darkness to your game!

  16. 9 Apr

    Let's promote! What's your favorite Dungeons and Dragons podcast? Drop it!

  17. 2 jam yang lalu


  18. 2 jam yang lalu

    「ハンターズ・マーク」や「ヘクス」の呪文って、持続時間が1時間もあるけど 戦闘が終了して効果を移せる敵がその場に1人もいなくなった後も持続するんだろうか? もし次の戦闘が1時間以内に発生したら、そこで出てきた敵にも効果を移せたりする?

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