
Unlimited Podcast Hosting

Affordable podcast hosting plans with no limitations. Our unlimited plans come with no caps on storage or bandwidth. So, there’s no need to worry about increasing costs as you publish more podcasts or get downloads. We keep things simple, so you can focus on just making the best podcast!

Start a Podcast for Free

Podcast Distribution and Promotion

With Podbean podcast hosting, you can easily distribute your podcast everywhere people listen to podcasts. Distribute to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Amazon Alexa and all the podcast apps. Automatically get listed in the Podbean directory and podcast app, with special promotional opportunities. Share your podcast to social networks automatically. Integrate with Facebook and Twitter.

Start a Podcast for Free

Podcast Distribution and Promotion

With Podbean podcast hosting, you can easily distribute your podcast everywhere people listen to podcasts. Distribute to iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Amazon Alexa and all the podcast apps. Automatically get listed in the Podbean directory and podcast app, with special promotional opportunities. Share your podcast to social networks automatically. Integrate with Facebook and Twitter.

Start a Podcast for Free

Podcast Monetization

We make it easy for you to make money from your podcast with integrated monetization options. PodAds offers the most efficient way to get ads on your podcast. And, you can make money from listeners with premium content and patron campaigns.

Start a Podcast for Free

For over 10 years, we’ve been helping podcasters
of all genres and sizes





5.9 Billion+


“I used to use and recommend another hosting service…but they were pricey, for a 5x a week podcast I would pay close to $100 monthly. I moved to Podbean and get the same service, am treated better, have sponsor connection help, and unlimited hosting for $9 monthly.”


–-Kamala Chambers, Thriving Launch

The interface was miles above other hosts. As I completed the transfer to Podbean I was continually impressed by the innovation, the reliable metrics, the ease of use and most importantly the many user guides and live chat service that managed to avoid the pitfalls normally associated with these services, and be a truly useful tool. I could not be happier with the switch."


--Zach Mummert,

–- Are You Morbid ?

"I decided to host my second show on Podbean, because of the great price. This was the best podcasting decision I’ve made. Podbean has been consistently improving and investing in their platform. Beyond that, and much more important to me, they invest in their shows. Their level of service goes beyond the norm, the expectation, and even the hopes. A month ago, I moved over my original pod to Podbean. They have helped me grow and sustain my shows so much."

josh hallmark

–-Josh Hallmark,

--The Karen & Ellen Letters

Podcast Hosting with No Limits, Built with
Everything You Need for Podcasting Success

podcast statistics

Powerful Podcast Stats to Help You Grow Your Audience

Podcast Statistics
own domain

Starting a Podcast with Your Own Domain and Branding

Own Domain
 embeddable Player

Customizable, Embeddable Podcast Player

Embeddable player

Fast, Reliable Hosting Network with Full Distribution

Podcast Hosting
website features

Beautifully Designed, SEO-friendly Podcast Site

Website Features

Comprehensive Library of Tutorials, Plus 24/7/365 Live Chat Support

Help Center

Start a podcast today. It’s FREE.

No credit card required.