On the Caribbean Island of Curacao refinery workers strike against the closure of their enterprise under influence of the economic, political and human tragedy in Venezuela and the danger of...

Hinterland cover

Comrade Motopu provides an overview of Phil Neel’s book and attempts to place it in the ongoing debates over the centrality of labor movements vs. surplus populations and riots vs. strikes.

Workers walk out of a plant in Matamoros. Source: WSWS.org

Largest North American strike wave in decades grows. Rebellion exposes union betrayal, is met with repression from “left-wing” government and a near total media blackout.

Asian Youth Movement poster in solidarity with the 1984-85 miners' strike.

A look at the engagement of Asian Youth Movement activists with workers' struggles and the British trade union movement.


E18: Anti-Zionism in Israel, part 2.

Concluding part of our two-part episode on a people’s history of Zionism and opposition to it within Israel, in conversation with former members of socialist group Matzpen: Moshe Machover, Haim...


Overview of the array of black liberation organisations active in Britain during the 1970s and 1980s, which included a range of workplace, community and black women's groups as well as...