Posts Tagged ‘Italy’

Genoa, Italy: Italian Institute of Technology attacked by FAI/FRI – Immediate Action Group

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

IT – Italia: Attaccato Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia


In the early hours of December 24th we attacked the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT).
H24 [security company] surveillance at the receptions and private security in the car were not a good deterrent; we were determined to attack you and we did it! The IIT is the flagship of the Italian state and is a foundation for technological development and national policies in favor of science and technology. It works to strengthen the markets and policies of looting and devastation every day committed by capital and government.

It carries out neuroscience studies, “brain technologies” and genetic research for the manipulation of living things. Active in nanotechnology, conducting research on nanomaterials and their use, as well as on the development of materials for converting and storing energy, which today’s production system needs in huge quantities to maintain the speed of the mad rush of progress.

In addition to iCub, in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, they perfect robots for industrial production.

In the service of capital and the police state that assures it, they are engaged in the creation of systems of “computer vision” for systems useful for identification and social control. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Italy : Updates on the ‘Scripta Manent’ trial

Thursday, December 13th, 2018

At the hearing on 14th November a calendar of future hearings was once again announced after the expert appointed by the court to transcribe phone tapping asked for more time, obtained a 60-day extension and a second expert was also appointed. The prosecutor made it known that the judicial police had forgotten to deliver a CD audio and asked for an extension of the custody measures, but for the moment a calendar was set out complying with the length of custody… which is due to expire at the end of February (taking account of the 30/35 hearings till now, from mid-January the deadline slides to 18th February, plus some more days considering the hearings due in January). During the hearing of 14th, a DNA expert appointed by the court following Capra (DNA expert for the defence)’s report, gave his statement; the expert for the defence had challenged the reliability of the old report in several points. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Italy : Report on the 8th November hearing of the ‘Operation Panico’ trial

Friday, November 23rd, 2018

Source: Anarchici fiorentini
Translated by act for freedom now!

The third hearing of the trial concerning Operation Panico took place on Thursday 8th November. We don’t know how it went nor are we much interested. The events speak for themselves. Giova, Ghespe, Paska, some of the other comrades on trial and an audience of comrades were in court. As soon as the hearing started, through his lawyer Paska demanded to speak in order to read out a declaration. He had come to court with the signs of the beating he had been given in La Spezia prison in the morning before being transferred to Florence. He started to read out his declaration, which began by telling of the screws’ beating, but the judge immediately ordered his microphone to be switched off, blabbing that what the comrade was saying was not pertinent to the trial, that the court was not the place to denounce this kind of thing and similar bullshit. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Paska on hungerstrike + updates + flyposter (Italy)

Thursday, November 15th, 2018


Italy: Updates on Anarchist comrade Paska’s hunger strike and appeal for solidarity

+ More on Actforfree

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rome: Atacado Repeater set on fire in solidarity with Paska, Ghespe and Giova, and all anarchist prisoners (Italy)

Thursday, November 8th, 2018



Note from Instinto Salvaje: In the following claim it mentions what recently happened in Santiago, Chile, with the case of Kevin Garrido, who was murdered on November 2 in the prison of Santiago 1. We remember that this individual was not anti-authoritarian, since that he wrote communiqués whilst in prison his affinity to authoritarian groups called eco-extremists. We publish this action because it is a gesture of solidarity with jailed Italian anarchists, we are not going to silence it, but to clarify information delivered by irresponsible means of counter-information without positioning themselves in this social war.

On a September afternoon, we mobilized to set fire to a telephone repeater. We had in our eyes and in our hearts anger for the death of a person in the forest of Hambach, during the resistance to the eviction of the police. Telecommunications infrastructures are today one of the strategic points of the modern technological domain, functional to the development of other devices and technological structures that are also part of a complex network, in which each element depends on the other. The authoritarian essence of the system is clearly expressed in this technological interdependence. Despite the current tendency to create increasingly autonomous systems, it is still possible to hit an element by putting the whole network out of use with a cascade effect.

With this action we want to launch an invitation to hit the telecommunications networks as an act of solidarity for the anarchist prisoners Paska, Ghespe and Giova, still in prison. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

Italy : Flyer text from ‘NOT JUST A MEETING’ 2-3 Oct 2018, against the Singularity University Summit

Thursday, November 1st, 2018

Via TracesOfFire:

The “Singularity” is a metaphor taken from the physics of Ray Kuezweil, founder of the Singularity University, used to describe the technological process that will manage to combine human being with technology. That’s the reason why the Singularity University has the purpose of teaching the leaders how to apply modern exponential technologies to anthropological, social and ecologic changes required by the technological world.

This aim clearly succeeds in preparing the best transhumanist researchers and directors of the world since some of them merge with the MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), one of the most important research universities of the world; with the DARPA, a governmental institution of the United States Department of Defense for the development of new technologies for military use; With Google, Microsoft and others… (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

Milan: Villa Vegan squat is under eviction! Days of resistance! (Italy)

Thursday, November 1st, 2018


In recent days it has come rumor that they want to evict Villa Vegan Tuesday, October 30th.

We believe it is a trust information and we are determined to resist, so let’s make a call to all the people in solidarity reach us to prepare together resistance and mobilization against the eviction. It is welcome anyone who wants to support the place, who has crossed over the years, who has carried on the struggles that here have found complicity, all the comrades who they think that if they want to evict an anarchist space occupied by 20 years must cost him dear.

In all these years of occupation Villa Vegan has hosted comrades from all over the world, has given logistical support to many self-managed projects, especially those from the hardcore punk scene, and a lots of fights, including those of against prison system and in solidarity to prisoners, ecologists and for liberation animal, against racism and CIEs (renamed then CPR), transfeminist queer and against gender violence, antifascist; struggles that refuse relations with institutions and always in opposition to the capitalist system and the state. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Montanaso Lombardo, Italy: Greenhouses of the CREA Research Center Destroyed

Monday, October 29th, 2018

On the night of October 2nd, with the half-moon as an accomplice who discreetly guided our steps without exposing us too much, we entered the property of the CREA Research Center of Montanaso Lombardo (Lombardi). We devastated the institute’s four big greenhouses, destroying almost all of the experimental plants they contain.

It is not surprising that the media have remained silent about this action, despite the serious damage done to their research: indeed, the CREA research centers are under the direct control of the government, who have every interest in concealing the actions that put spanners in the works of their projects.

CREA specializes in the sequencing and genetic engineering of plants and hyper-technological modernization of agriculture and livestock. Their latest research, funded by the government, is focusing on the development of the so-called GMO 2.0.

We will not passively observe the umpteenth project that manipulates the living by annihilating spontaneity in the name of profit. Before leaving, we left some huge slogans inside the greenhouses: “NO BIOTECH”, “NEITHER OLD NOR NEW GMO” and “HAMBACH RESISTS”.

Solidarity with those who fight in defense of the earth against industrial civilization.

Greetings of complicity to the comrades affected by the Scripta Manent and Panic operations.

Anarchists Against the Misery of the Existent


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Posted in Direct Action

Italy : A few clarifications concerning a Key-logger installed in my computer by Somma Gioacchino (RadioAzione)

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018

For recent report about Operation Scripta Manent, see this important article translated into English by Act for Freedom Now!

Recently, as I was reading the report on the hearings of the trial that we are facing following the Turin investigation “Scripta Manent”, staged by prosecutor Roberto Sparagna, I noticed an explanation regarding the keylogger (or Agent Elena, as the miserable Naples ROS called it).

A text that appears in some sites says that a keylogger was allegedly used to intercept off-line comments during RadioAzione live recordings. That would be nice, but unfortunately the reality is different.
The keylogger was a proper bug, sent to my PC via internet through a virus, and it was capable of intercepting everything around my computer. It was sufficient for the computer to be connected to the internet and the miserable ones were able to hear all audio nearby (no video because the webcam has always been blocked out).

So, because I have my PC in my bedroom they listened not only to radio off-line comments but even more… everything in fact! (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Treviso, Italy : Northern League premises attacked by Haris Hatzimihelakis Cell/Black International (1881-2018)

Thursday, September 27th, 2018

Tired of being silent, tired of seeing systematic violence every day through racism, sexism and waged labor that take place in society, whose essential values are authority and profit. Sick of exploitation we see all political parties as main responsible, as they repress freedom with the state, reformist and repressive apparatus (TV, the mass-media, associations, the army, the civil protection, etc.) The state and capital are the biggest criminals, they even violate their own laws, they steal through taxes, they kill through wars and waged labor, rejections of migrants’ boats in the sea, concentration camps for immigrants in Europe and Africa, they contaminate irreversibly men, animals and the entire planet, all for their profit and power.

Let’s not forget the hypocritical complicity of society made of citizens who pretend not to see the horrors of present and past racism and nationalism. This acceptance is the pillar of totalitarianism and democracy: in the course of time the authority based on indifference, fear, apathy was able to create Gulags and nazi concentration camps, and today the concentration camps in Libya and outside our homes. It’s history that repeats itself. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action

No to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, to block everything! (Italy)

Thursday, September 6th, 2018

For a few years now the TAP question has jumped to the headlines.

Precisely since 2013, the TAP consortium was chosen to carry out the construction of a gas pipeline through Turkey, Greece, Albania, the Adriatic Sea right to Italy, with Salento as its final destination so that it could be linked to another gas pipeline, the TANAP, which joins Turkey with Azerbaijan (where natural gas fields are to be found), and finally become SNAM, going up through the Italian Apennines, the so-called ‘Adriatic network’ – up to Austria.

Thousands of kilometres of pipelines, gas pressurization and depressurization plants, thrust wells, micro tunnels to link the mainland and the sea, optic fibres cables along the whole route, construction sites that will destroy landscape and local environments, high risk of accidents and explosions, air pollution, heavy vehicles on the roads for years to come, exponential increase of police forces, industrial transformation of the economy of a whole area and consequent loss of all choices for the people who live there. An example of this is ILVA in Taranto, a few kilometres from Lecce and Melendugno, where the gas pipeline will arrive. (more…)

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Posted in Eco Struggle

‘Furor Manet’ – Soli-poster in Italian for Operation Scripta Manent

Wednesday, August 15th, 2018


2016, September. Operation “Scripta Manent”, carried forth by the Turinese prosecutor Sparagna, leads to the arrest of 8 comrades, the main accusation being the creation of a subversive organization with terrorist aims. Along with this, the imputation includes several other attacks, all signed FAI (informal anarchist federation) and FAI/FRI (informal anarchist federation/international revolutionary front). At the present time, six comrades are still in jail and another one is kept prisoner in her own house. In the meantime, inside the Turin bunker courtroom the trial continues at a steady pace. Scores of policemen from several different towns climb the stage of the courthouse, supposedly in order to reconstruct the history of the contemporary anarchist movement. (more…)

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Posted in Social Control

Appeal for financial solidarity to the comrades in Operation Scripta Manent (Italy)

Wednesday, July 25th, 2018

About a year since its inception, the Scripta Manent process will resume in September. The hearings were scheduled weekly until November 22. Given the pace of court appointments, legal fees are increasingly high and, therefore, we must renew the invitation to those who wish to contribute to make payments to the CNA account.

IBAN IT67T0760101600001015950221

Some anarchists.


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Posted in Prison Struggle

Rome, Italy: Arson Attack Against Diplomatic Corp and ENI Vehicles

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018

When you set out at night with the intention of burning or putting something out of action, interrupting the paralysis inherent in everyday life, you never know exactly what you will find once you are on the street. Which is how it was one night in mid-June when we came across a Diplomatic Corp car and one belonging to ENJOY* parked side by side next to the footpath. If until then, they had been united together in the same shitty existence in service of devastation, power and domination, we could not help but see their willingness to share the same demise together. And so, just like it was with some excavators in France not long ago, we took note of their will by enjoying the sight of the flames that enveloped them.

We hope that despite the high temperatures of recent days that the heat of this fire may bring a smile to all the comrades locked up in prisons, subjected to judicial controls or under surveillance…

To the Argentine comrade Diego Parodi… Strength, hold on!
To those facing investigation for the G20 in Hamburg.
For the prisoners and the accused of Operation Scripta Manent.
For Giova, Ghespe and Paska.

For Anarchy!

*Translation note: ENJOY is a ‘sustainable’ vehicle sharing company run by energy company ENI and public transport operator Trenitalia


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Posted in Direct Action

Issue #9 of “Fenrir”, an anarchist eco publication in Italian, is out (Italy)

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

Issue 9 of FENRIR, an anarchist eco publication in support of prisoners and direct action, with updates and analyses on the anarchist and animal, human and earth liberation struggle all over the world, is available.

80 pages A4

In this issue:

– Editorial
– If not now, when?
– Big data and techno-capitalist society
– The insurgents’ autism, a piece of writing by Alfredo Cospito
– Autopsy of the revolution
– Ideology of science
– Notes on de-realization
– Conversations between anarchists
– Interview with Gabriel Pombo da Silva
– A suggestion
– Nisan Farber and the anarchists in Bialystok
– News from the necro-world
– Updates on prisoners and state repression
– Letters from the prison
– Suggested reading

The price is 3 euros per copy or 2 euros for orders of 5 and more copies.
Postal fees are 1.50 euros.
To receive one or more copies write to: fenrir@riseup.net

Help us distribute Fenrir; if you have a distribution or want some copies, get in touch!


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