Philippines: ‘Against the Terror of Anti-Terror’

June 4th, 2020

+ An Anarchist Opposition to the Anti-Terror Act and the Terrorism of the State

Written by Malaginoo.

The Philippine government is another step closer to revealing its true self: an undemocratic, oppressive entity ready to protect and serve the interests of the powerful, wealthy, and privileged few. Before there was talk of lockdowns and quarantines during the COVID-19 pandemic, there was the issue of updating the Human Security Act, a law defining the parameters of terrorism. After many days and weeks of politicking, grandstanding, and red-tagging, Congress unveiled the 2020 Anti-Terror Bill.1

In it, the government aims to strip whatever semblance of constitutional liberties and rights are left after the Duterte administration’s stints into extrajudicial killings and human rights abuses, that have claimed upwards of 5,000 lives and left indelible marks on the lives of countless Filipino families.2

On the 28th of February 2020, the Senate passed their version of the Anti-Terror bill, with 19 senators voting yes, and only 2 voting no.3 Debate still rages in the House of Representatives on its merits and its dangers,4 however, as of the 29th of May, two congressional committees approved the Anti-Terror Bill.5 As the people of the archipelago face the greatest health crisis of this century without mass testing, public safety, and financial stability, Congress is trying to take advantage of us while we are down and already suffering from pandemic and the excesses of government. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity statement with the uprising from Ferguson prisoner Josh Williams (U$A)

June 3rd, 2020

#justice4georgefloyd Let’s get this trending once again. Another black man has been taken from us by white racist cops and once again they will see our power. I send my shout out to everybody out there fighting. I say to you: keep it going, the fight is going to get hard but stay in the fight. We are Michael Brown, we are Eric Garner, let’s fight. # I can’t breathe # HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT.

I want to address the nation again and those who are in power as I sit and watch the protest. I call out President Trump on his bullshit ass comment. I say to you: those people who you call thugs, those people who you call criminals, are my people. Those people who are out there and doing what they doing, they doing it out of anger, they acting out of emotion, so calling them thugs is out of the question.

You the thug, Mr. Trump, and if you got a problem with that, I’m at Pacific Missouri Eastern Correctional Center and you can come personally and talk to to me. But calling my people thugs and criminals, watch your fucking mouth when you speak on my people.

If you would do your fucking job and send these bitch ass cops to jail they wouldn’t be out there in the first place.

Second I want to call out the bitch ass cops in the streets of America. I see you and I see what the fuck y’all doing to my people and that shit not gonna fly. I’m telling you this now: KEEP YOUR FUCKING HANDS TO YOUR SELF. DON’T ABUSE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE PROTESTERS, WHEREVER YOU ARE IN THE WORLD, BECAUSE I AM WATCHING.

To the people out there I say to you: keep up the good fight, y’all are standing y’all ground to the max and I love every bit of what y’all doing. I love everybody out there let me tell y’all: if the police try to hurt you, y’all have a right to defend yourself.

Third. I want to call out that bitch ass cop who push that young lady to the ground. Why don’t you come push me like that… Don’t touch another woman out there, and if you got a problem you can come talk to me. Just set up an interview I’ll be more than willing to accept it.

Send our brother some love and light: Joshua Williams, 1292002, Missouri Eastern Correctional Center, 18701 Old Highway 66, Pacific, MO 63069. Learn more about Josh at: https://www.freejoshwilliams.com/

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Valparaíso: Sabotaje con explosivos a Minera Anglo Americana + Reivindicación de Escuadrones Revolucionarios Autónomos [$hile]

June 2nd, 2020

[Noticias de la Guerra Social]

El 1 de mayo del 2020 en el sector de Nogales, región de Valparaíso un fuerte estruendo sacude el sector cerca de la pasarela Santa Isabel, en pleno toque de queda.

Esta explosión destruye el ducto de agua que alimenta la minera Anglo Americana, saboteando las labores de la minera.

Tras la detonación no existieron detenidos y aun cuando no se encontraron panfletos, tiempo después el grupo “Escuadrones Revolucionarios Autónomos” revindicaron el hecho.

La intendencia y la empresa se querellaron contra quienes resultaron responsables.

Comunicado nuevo grupo de Guerrilla Urbana y atribución de colocación de artefactos explosivos y enfrentamientos armados.

(Sacado desde redes sociales)

1 ″La incansable lucha del Oprimido”

El decadente sistema capitalista da sus últimos manotazos de ahogado y en todo el mundo se cae a pedazos el espejismo que ilusiono a millones con prosperidad y progreso. Muy lejos de eso las grandes mayorías vivimos agobiadas por deudas, con pensiones de miseria y en trabajos precarizados , imposibilitados de pagar por salud, por educación, por vivienda. Necesidades de primer orden que hoy se nos niegan. Y mientras el gigante se ahoga, va destruyendo todo a su paso. Hace oídos sordos de la ciencia, de los designios de nuestras culturas ancestrales y le importa un carajo el medio ambiente y la vida, con tal de seguir acumulando papel billete y ganancias. Es evidente y bien lo saben las comunidades que hoy están luchando por el agua, que la sequía no es por la escasez de esta, sino por el robo indiscriminado de multinacionales que se apropian de este vital elemento, abasteciendo a faenas minera, forestales, a la agricultura oligárquica de exportación, en desmedro del campesinado independiente y de nuestras comunidades y poblaciones. Pero no solo nos privan del agua para beber, lavarnos las manos, cocinar. Nos privan de la belleza de ver un rio correr, de bañarnos con nuestros hijos, de contemplar y posar la mirada en esos lugares donde nuestros abuelos se asentaron, y en donde hoy solo vemos polvo. Por eso y mucho más nos levantamos como una guerrilla urbano-rural y nos atribuimos los ataques explosivos perpetrados el pasado primero de mayo contra Anglo American en el Melón, y contra dos torres de alta tensión en la región de Atacama. También la recuperación de dinamita en el polvorin de la Empresa Nacional de Explosivos en la región de Antofagasta y el ataque armado fusil contra fusil en la población Pudahuel, en la ciudad de Melipilla. Policías asesinos y civiles fascistoides, verdugos y complices de la dictadura de Sebastian Piñera, La justicia sera la popular.

Pueblo Chileno la revuelta de Octubre no ha concluido. Nuestros muertxs, mutiladxs, violadxs y asesinadxs no han sido olvidados. Reivindicamos a la Nación Mapuche y como hermanos abrazamos juntos el Weychan . Somos el refuerzo de esa gloriosa Primera Linea que nos mostró que la barricada cierra la calle, pero abre los caminos.

Territorios a activarse

Escuadrones Revolucionarios Autónomos

Mayo 2020

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Desde la prisión: Comunicado de Marcelo Villarroel en memoria del compañero Daniel Vielma [$hile]

June 2nd, 2020

Letras desde la kárcel por Daniel Viedma.

“Nos preparamos siempre para la muerte y siempre nos sorprende.
No falla, en su sabiduría nos da una vida de ventajas y nos golpea.
Nos empuja en el hastío a vivirla con pesar.
Nos convoca en guerra a vivirla con pasión.
Unxs desaparecen sin legado.
Otrxs se multiplican por todos lados”.

-Anónimx insurrectx!!

En un nuevo día de encierro karcelario la rutina especial de este nueva normalidad en tiempos de pandemia me trajo la dolorosa noticia de tu partida. Una bofetada en el mediodía de ayer viernes 29; un inevitable nuevo momento de dolor ke me asalta directo en lo más íntimo del sentir.

Se ha ido un amigo, un kompañero, un hermano; kon 39 años de edad a partido el Anarkista Daniel Vielma, cerka de la medianoche del jueves 28 de mayo en su kasa junto a su manada en La Balza Las Perlas, provincia de Río Negro, producto de un káncer linfátiko fulminante ke se manifestó kon virulencia hace meses y ke hoy lo tiene desde algún lugar akompañándonos junto a todxs lxs kombatientes por la liberación total ke han dejado su fecundo legado de lucha, Resistencia, Memoria y Subversión. Read the rest of this entry »

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Northern Ireland: ‘Prison life under Coronavirus Lock down’ by Vegan Anarchist John Paul Wootton

May 31st, 2020

Everyone, everywhere, will be feeling the pinch of lockdown. Nobody has been left untouched and it’s not just the direct effects making their mark.
We are seeing the indirect result too.

You will have noticed that many of the already existing problems in our society are being exacerbated. There have been plenty of reports of increased domestic abuse, mental health crises and financial instability to cite but a few examples.

But what has it all meant for the prisoners?

Well, in some senses it’s business as usual. Much of the freedom you have temporarily lost, never exists here in the first palace. And many of the freedoms you are relying on to cope, are completely beyond our reach. There are no Zoom parties, Netflix binges or streamed concerts here.

There has been an impact though.

All temporary release has stopped. This is generally used to help re-integrate people back to normal life prior to their full release. This is particularly important for those who have spent a long time in prison.
They now face being dumped at the front gate with no time to adjust and no real support.

All education and other activities have stopped. Some have been working towards qualifications (for many for the first time in their life) and are left wondering was it all for nothing. Potentially, people will be put off further self-development as a result.

All in all, probably the best way to describe prison during Covid in mindless agony made more mindless and agonizing. These days, often monotonous and lacking in purpose, are now intolerably so. As a result, there is a real danger of a spike in terms of mental illness and drug addiction. And the situation was already far from okay.

Unless, or until, we can access reliable data on things like suicide and self-harm, we won’t be able to assess the damage. But be under no illusion, there will be damage. Unfortunately, by the time the information becomes available, it may be too late.

Although you still have your modern luxuries to help you cope, some insight into our experiences is possible. Next time you use the internet, your smart phone or relax in your garden with your family, reflect that we don’t have that privilege. For just a second, put yourselves in our shoes.

John Paul Wootton

To write to the comrade:

John Paul Wootton
HM Prison Maghaberry
17 Old Road,
Lisburn BT28 2PT, UK

For more information on John Paul Wootton see

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Latinoamérica/Europa: 7° comunicado público de la “Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo”

May 30th, 2020

A través de la Red Solidaria Anticarkelaria con Juan y Marcelo esta vez ampliada en una sola voz desde diferentes lugares de Latinoamérica y Europa queremos:

Despedir con profunda emoción a Daniel Vielma, compañero y hermano de origen argentino con el que compartimos un camino de múltiples iniciativas de lucha y solidaridad por la destrucción de las prisiones que cerca de la medianoche de ayer jueves 28 de mayo nos dejara físicamente producto de un cáncer fulminante en su casa en el sector de la Balza Las Perlas en la provincia de Río Negro junto a su compañera de vida Mai y sus hijos Bako, Juan y Diego.

Daniel formó parte de la Red de Solidaridad con Freddy y Marcelo en Neuquén cuando nuestros compañeros fueron detenidos en marzo del 2008 en la Patagonia Argentina y vivieron el encierro carcelario hasta diciembre del 2009 cuando fueron expulsados para ser recién juzgados y condenados por el Estado Chileno el año 2014.

Su entrega y convicción en la búsqueda de posibilidades legales e ilegales para que nuestros compañeros dejaran la prisión y alcanzaran la calle lejos del  Estado Chileno en aquel momento nos mostraron a una persona comprometida profunda y verdaderamente con la lucha contra el poder y su sociedad carcelaria.

En aquel tiempo intenso de múltiples y sucesivas batallas Daniel supo tejer Solidaridad Ofensiva y el recuerdo intacto de su actuar aún perduran en múltiples compañeras/os quienes hoy y desde distintos lugares del mundo unimos nuestros pensamientos para despedir físicamente a este gran guerrero de 39 años que hoy vuelve junto a su madre también fallecida a la localidad Rionegrina de Catriel.

Sabemos de su grandeza valórica, de su entrega incansable, de su permanente caminar para tejer complicidades en lucha constante contra el poder en un aquí y ahora que lo hace quedarse para siempre entre compañeras/os de diferentes latitudes que van hilvanando Resistencias en estos  tiempos álgidos que vive la comunidad humana mundial.

Por todas las presas y presos de la guerra social, revolucionarios, subversivos, anárkikos.
Por las y los presos sociales.
Por un mundo sin prisiones!!


Para su manada, todo nuestro compañerismo y amor en guerra!!

Red Solidaria Antikarcelaria con Juan y Marcelo.
Viernes 29 de mayo de 2020
Diferentes lugares de Latinoamérica y Europa

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Italy: Update on the anarchists arrested on May 13th in Operation Ritrovo

May 30th, 2020

From Malacoda:

Giuseppe, Stefania, Duccio, Leonardo, Guido, Elena and Nicole, the seven anarchists arrested on May 13th, 2020, for the «Ritrovo» operation were all released today, May 30th. Four of them are required to stay in the municipality of residence, with return at night from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. The same repressive measure, but without signatures at the barracks, was also maintained for two other persons among the five who had not been arrested on May 13th, as they were only subject to the residence obligation. No restrictions were maintained for all the others.

The crime of fire with the aggravating circumstance of subversion or terrorism, of which only one person was accused, was reworded into «damage followed by fire». The accusation of «subversive association with the purpose of terrorism or subversion of the democratic order» has been dropped. The accusation of «incitement to commit a crime» remains, without the aggravating circumstance of terrorism.

The charge of fire was linked to the incendiary attack of December 16th, 2018, against some telecommunications antennas located in Monte Donato in Bologna, antennas intended for the transmission of national and local television networks. On the site was left the inscription «Turn off the antennas, awaken consciences. Solidarity with the anarchists detained and guarded». The other accusations were (and are) of incitement to delinquency, defacement, soiling and damage.

Following the arrests, the repressive forces had declared that the arrested were accused of having created a subversive-terrorist association having «the objective of affirming and spreading the anarchist-insurrectionalist ideology, as well as instigating, through the diffusion of propaganda material, the commission of acts of violence against the institutions». Furthermore, the public prosecutor’s office of Bologna, with the usual aid of the regime media, had underlined that the precautionary measures assumed a «strategic preventive valence aimed at avoiding that in any further moments of social tension, arising from the particular emergency situation», connected to the coronavirus epidemic, «other moments of a more general anti-State fight campaign could take place».

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U$A: June 11, 2020 statement from Eric King

May 29th, 2020

This is my sixth year in prison and has easily been the hardest. After being accused of assaulting a lieutenant on August 17, 2018, I’ve been in the SHU since. The past two years have shown me a wide scope of state brutality: physical beatings and tortures, psychological games like being kept in bare rooms with no contact to the free world, and their legal power – bringing serious new charges that could carry 20 additional years. Resistance is not a game.

During this time I’ve learned a lot; that A LOT of people get set up this way, that prison support is priceless, that they can always turn it up, and that WE can always turn it up also. Despite the harsh sanctions and restrictions, I’ve refused to be a wilting willow. Now has been the time to face them head on – whether legally with motions and pressure; casual bucking; hard bucking; leading protest for basic rights; having long talks about social, class, and prisoner consciousness; and organizing the other prisoners. Anarchists don’t hide.

One thing I couldn’t have done this without has been the outpouring of support. Fiscal support to my canteen and legal fundraiser (keep it coming pls), the uptake in letters, those who sent magazines, books and articles after we won those rights. I let me supporters and Team know this wasn’t going to be a smooth ride, that resistance is in my blood, and they’ve stuck it out. People new and long lasting have shown up when needed most. We cannot fight on the inside, without you on the outside. We are fighting cases, fighting injustice, fighting the same battles happening in the streets, inside, in close quarters.

Prisons need to be demolished, it’s a fight that can only be won on two fronts – unity inside and solidarity outside. We chop this dragon’s head off, relegate it to horror stories and museums of resistance. Together, it’s possible.

Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way, whether being kind to my partner, donating funds, showing up to trail (August 10th, see you there!).

Let’s take FTTP literal, shall we?

Until All Are Rubble,

Fire Ant Collective

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Thessaloniki, Greece: 2 anarchist comrades arrested and accused of an attempted attack

May 28th, 2020

In the early hours of Wednesday 27/05/2020, in Thessaloniki, Greece, 2 anarchist comrades were arrested on an attempt of incendiary/explosive attack on the house of the ex member of New Democracy (the Greek governmental party) and now president of the Deposit and Loans Fund, Dimitris Stamatis.

As Greek media report, the one comrade was seen by civil cops passing by and checking the house in Kalamaria area; then the other comrade was caught at the moment he was going to plant the incendiary/explosive devices. The first comrade was caught a few hours later in Thessaloniki, riding his bike.

There was a big police research operation in the comrade’s house, and also in other comrades’ houses. More specifically, 4 squatted houses at Ano Poli area in Thessaloniki were thoroughly searched and, furthermore, there were totally 10 comrades persecuted, who were left free some hours later, as nothing was found against them.

The 2 anarchist comrades are accused for the felonies of criminal association, attempt of explosion, attempt of arson, possession and manufacturing of explosive material which could cause danger for human beings; also for offending the laws about arms, firecrackers and drugs, and for resistance and disobedience against authority.

They will pass from the examining judge on Monday 01/06/2020, in the morning, at Thessaloniki’s court. Until then, they will be held captive in the State’s hands. Calls for solidarity will be published at the next days.

Updates will follow.




solidarity initiative

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Amazon Vans Sabotaged in Solidarity with Striking Workers by Lorenzo Orsetti Anarchist Brigade: North Carolina (USA)

May 27th, 2020

We are seldom compelled to claim the ways we choose to attack. We are not specialists, nor anarchists isolated from the acts of sabotage and theft that we know occur daily by employees within the Amazon monster. We generally prefer our actions to be just another strike amongst the many, adding to the already existent chorus of rage and discontent. As the crisis deepens and the feelings of isolation and helplessness appear to be sinking in, it is important to remember that one way of regaining agency in our lives is through attack and disruption.

It is not only the corona virus that is making our lives unbearable, but even more so, it is our continued daily lives under capitalism and state control. Amazon and other tech companies are exploiting the virus, accumulating unheard- of profits and pushing their nightmare tech world. Amazon claims to provide a safe future for society all the while continuing to put its lowest paid employees in danger of infection, biding their time until they can eliminate those positions completely and replace them with automation and robots.

Along with all these reasons, we chose to sneak into one of Amazon’s parking areas and slash the tires of eight delivery vans – for the sheer pleasure of feeling alive and for the continuation of resistance during a confusing time. We know this is just one drop in a vast sea, but to quote a fallen comrade, “Always remember that ‘every storm begins with a single raindrop.’ And try to be that raindrop yourself.”

In solidarity with the striking Amazon workers!

For ourselves and towards an eternal mayday for all of us!

Lorenzo Orsetti Anarchist Brigade in North Carolina

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Desde la prisión: Comunicado del compañero subversivo Marcelo Villarroel en memoria del compañero Mauricio Morales Duarte ($hile)

May 27th, 2020

A 11 años de tu muerte en axión:
Mauricio Morales presente en la insurrección permanente, en la lucha Kontra el poder y toda autoridad hasta ke este podrido mundo estalle.

“La vida es lucha constante, es sobrepasar a la monotonía y lo estático, Es pelear a muerte.
Reflexiono al día. Olas a la semilla de la calma.
Agudos sonidos al bosque de sueños, Espero risueño la muerte filosa con el pecho duro y lleno de vida.”

Punky Maury.-

Ya van 11 años desde ke akella noche del 22 de mayo del 2009 un poderoso estruendo remeciera los alrededores de la Escuela de Gendarmería en el barrio matta, zona centro sur de Santiago de Chile.

La explosión no kalculada hirió de muerte al jóven anarkista de axión Mauricio Morales Duarte kien se dirigía a atakar el lugar donde se forman por dékadas los peores seres humanos ke la sociedad moderna ha parido: los karceleros, Guardias de prisiones, esbirros sikarios al servicio del orden de los rikos y su ley. Read the rest of this entry »

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Chile: Dirti Lepra – Trap, Anarchism & Revolution

May 27th, 2020

The struggle is not only in the streets but in how we represent and inspire each other. In January 2020, the Anarchist Radio Berlin was with Dirti Lepra, a trap artist with whom we talked about why make music for dancing with social critique and revolutionary lyrics, his life experience through music, anarchism and the popular uprising.

Social Media
* Instagram: @dirti_lepra
* Youtube: Dirti Lepra

You can listen to our Spanish original audio here.

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June 11, 2020 statement from Keith “Malik” Washington (USA)

May 26th, 2020

Revolutionary Greetings Comrades! It is hard to craft a message of Solidarity during this time without acknowledging the suffering and loss of life of so many beautiful humyn beings.

By the time June 11th arrives we will reach over One Hundred Thousand Deaths related to the Corona Virus here in Amerika.

Much of my recent journalism and activism has been centered around Covid-19.

Specifically, I’ve been calling for the release of our Elders. I started this year off with a message of Solidarity. I collaborated with my Soul Mate and Future Wife Nube Brown. We’d Love to see the state of California grant Parole to New Afrikan Freedom Fighter and Principled leader–Sitawa Nantambu Jamaa.

As far as Anarchist prisoners are concerned, I must call your attention to the struggle of our Comrade Xinachtli in the State of Texas. Xinachtli whose Sir name is Alvaro Luna Hernandez will be eligible for Parole very soon.

Inorder to facilitate Xinachtli’s release we must ensure that he has enough Financial Support so that we can retain a Parole Attorney that will zealously advocate for Xinachtli’s Release.

Xinachtli has been subjected to Decades of Racism, Bigotry, and Oppression at the hands of Prison and State Officials in Texas. Xinachtli is a Principled Thinker and Anarchist comrade who has Earned my Respect and Support. This June 11th lets focus on BEING NUMEROUS in order to Free Xinachtli. Read the rest of this entry »

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