Australia's largest online dating website. With over 2.1 million members we help people find the joy of dating.

Sydney, Australia ·


  1. RSVP member poll shows 1 in 4 singles decide if they like their date up in five, or fewer, minutes. Do you agree?

  2. "Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead." - Oscar Wilde

  3. Is there such a thing as the perfect body and do you agree it is different for woman and men (in their eyes)

  4. How can I get these guys to stop treating the first meeting as if it is a serious job interview?

  5. I find the first email really hard to write. What are you meant to say? How do you make it good/interesting?

  6. Congratulations guys! Wonderful to hear! Thank you very much for sharing your story with us!

  7. From the moment I make my vows I will always carry with me a splendid sense of serious, committed love & partnership

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