Wild Resistance #6 – A Journal of Primal Anarchy (USA)

February 17th, 2019

No 6. Winter 2019.
210 pages. Printed on recycled paper.
Ebook/PDF versions are out now.
Books ship late February 2019.

Click here to pre-order the book.
Click here to buy the EBook.

Opening Editorial: Kevin Tucker
Reachin’ Out
To the Captives: Kevin Tucker
The Spectacular Growth and Failure of Cities: John Zerzan
Wolf Encounters: Four Legged Human
Breath at the Threshold: Joan Kovatch
Surprisingly Peaceful Extreme Anarchies: Peter Gardner
Art and Meaning: John Zerzan
Walking: Gabriella Halas
The Puzzle of Symbolic Thought: John Zerzan
Fucking it Up: Fossil
Twilight of the Evening Lands: John Zerzan
Sex & Gender, Less Exact: Kevin Tucker
Human Nature: John Zerzan
Rewilding with Children: Two Filthy Trolls
The Case Against Philosophy: John Zerzan
Casing Philosophy: Cliff Hayes
This is Not a Pipebomb: Kevin Tucker
Philosophy, Case-Skinned: Joan Kovatch
The Postmodern Now: John Zerzan
True Crime Case File: Attacks on Self-Driving Cars
Hunters by Choice: an Interview with Luis Felipe Torres Espinoza
The Point of Contact: an Interview with Madhusree Mukerjee
Regardless of Intent: an Interview with Sita Venkateswar
Block 22: Cliff Hayes
Affluence without Abundance
The Horse in Human History
Wolf Nation
Natural Causes
Lost Connections

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

New site – ‘Unoffensive Animal’ – Animal & Earth Liberation

February 17th, 2019

Unoffensive Animal was born out of the necessity to inspire activists. After complaining about how the radical left has an incline to disregard veganism and qualify it as classist and colonialist, and after feeling completely disheartened by animal rights activists disregarding human issues, we decided to create a media outlet able to bring both sides and to help radicalise activists.

Unoffensive Animal is an anarchist collective. We are non-profit and strongly anti capitalist. We are queer and/or queer allies. We are antifascists. We are vegan, animal liberationists and we have even been called forest “jihadis”. We stand against animal exploitation and against human exploitation. We oppose racism, bigotry and nationalism. We believe in direct action, but we also believe in diversity of tactics. We know that human liberation is animal liberation and that animal liberation will never happen under capitalism. Read the rest of this entry »

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Incendiary-explosive attack against the PATSA Poulty Industry by ALF/ELF (Mexico)

February 17th, 2019

The degradation of life and land leads to an explosion of anger and rage, an explosion that warns and frightens those who with the exploitation and murder of thousands of beings are enriched and swell their bank accounts and their material assets. This is the case of the PATSA poultry distribution industry with the branch in Lazaro Cardenas road in Oaxaca, which we attacked at dawn on December 12 with 2 devices, one explosive and one incendiary, which exploded on site causing minor damage; Let’s make it clear that it will not be the only time we will carry out violent actions against those who make money from the life of the earth and that of living beings…

With this action we join the call for a Black December, pointing out the death of Sebastian oversluij shot down by a fascist shit during a bank robbery in Chile, 10 years after the death of Alexandros Grigoropoulos, murdered in the street in the neighborhood of Exarchia, Greece, in 2008, without forgetting the death of Kevin Garrido in a Chilean prison…

This action is also part of a coordination in various states of the country which called for solidarity agitation against the G20 and against the comrades kidnapped by the Argentine state.



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Explosive attack on a Ford car showroom by the Earth Liberation Front (Mexico)

February 17th, 2019

Communique received on 02/01/2019:

It’s obvious that techno-industrial progress is advancing and with it the impact on nature is becoming stronger and more irreversible…

We won’t take a reformist and conformist attitude in the face of this situation, now less than ever as the ‘ecologist’ struggle has been absorbed by governmental institutions and platform groups, which prepared the ground for a new form of irrational consumerism, depicted as ‘ecological’, ‘green’… (sic) so as to allow companies to make profits at the cost of the destruction of the planet and all the beings who inhabit it… as hypocritical happiness and tranquillity dominated the end of the year festivities, we preferred to prepare and carry out an attack with an explosive device at dawn on 1st January, against a Ford Gimsa car showroom situated in Mexico-Texcoco Carretera in Reyes a la Paz, which caused damage to the façade and to some cars that were parked there… with this action we express solidarity with the comrades on the run in this territory under surveillance and with the Argentinian comrades who are been subjected to a wave of repression following an explosion; this attack is also part of a coordination of attacks in several areas of the country and responds to a call for agitation and attack.

Earth Liberation Front – Anti-Civilization Cell

Translated from Italian by act for freedom now!

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PDF: Solidaridad con lxs represaliadxs del G20

February 17th, 2019

Recibido por correo electrónico

A principios de julio de 2017 tuvo lugar en Hamburgo la reunión del g20. Representantes de los países dueños de la economía mundial, planeaban durante dos días como seguir manteniendo ese sistema de miseria, explotación y muerte. Manifestaciones, bloqueos, sabotajes, enfrentamientos con las fuerzas del orden, saqueos… (al igual que ataques descentralizados las semanas previas) pretendieron, y lograron durante muchos momentos, interrumpir el normal funcionamiento de esta cumbre.

El 6 de junio, el día que llegaban los políticos, acompañados de sus más de 6000 delegados, seguidos en todo momento por más de 3000 periodistas y protegidos por unos 10000 policías, estaba convocada una manifestación anticapitalista bajo el lema de Welocome to Hell. Read the rest of this entry »

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Call for Solidarity with the Imprisoned of Operazione Scintilla, Italy

February 17th, 2019

Summary of the recent repressive operation in Italy in connection with the resistance against the Italian migration regime

This is a translation of an original article in German, with pictures.

On Thursday 7 February 2019, at 4:40 a.m., the eviction of the squat “Asilo occupato” (“the occupied kindergarden”) in Via Alessandria 12 in Turin, occupied since 1995, began. The eviction was carried out as part of the “Operazione Scintilla” (“Operation Spark”). Several hundred
Carabinieri in riot gear, police officers and Guardia di finanza with machine guns and plain clothes police not only evicted the house, but also arrested six anarchists. A seventh person is still being searched for.

The charges are serious: formation of a subversive association, incitement to crime and the possession, manufacture and transportation of explosives in a public place. The charges are related to the resistance against the Italian migration regime, namely against the deportation camps/prisons CPR and CIE (Centro per l’Immigrazione e il Rimpatrio = Immigration and Repatriation Centre; Centro di identificazione ed espulsione = Identification and Deportation Centre), more information below. Read the rest of this entry »

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Solidarity Fund for imprisoned and persecuted Revolutionaries from Greece – Firefund

February 17th, 2019

Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants is a structure from Greece, which for the past 9 years has been actively organizing the political, ethical and material support of imprisoned and persecuted revolutionaries. Due to the immense amount of money we have to collect and send _each month_ to the imprisoned comrades in order to cover their needs inside the prisons, and thus the tough financial situation we’re facing, we decided to use the firefund platform.

Firefund is an online crowdsourcing platform, run by activists, in order to fund radical causes. You can donate safely either by using credit card or with cryptocurrency (ether). Also if you want you can choose to contribute an amount to the team that administrates the platform.

The link of our campaign is this: https://www.firefund.net/prisonsoli

You can find more info about us and why we choose to use firefund in the link.

The contribution of each and every one who wants to help our cause is ESSENTIAL. While we also believe that it’s rather important to forward this initiative to anyone with whom we may not have contact with. To any comrade/collective who stand with solidarity against oppression.

Solidarity fund for imprisoned and persecuted militants from Greece
(for contact: tameio (at) espiv (dot) net)

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Italy – Issue 3 of the anarchist paper Vetriolo is out (Winter 2019)

February 17th, 2019

This is the fourth issue of ‘Vetriolo’. Four issues are certainly not a few for a publication such as this. Rather than accumulate and reinforce certitudes, we believe the paper has tried to corrode and crush them, as it posed new doubts and nourished old questions. Certainly not out of a
mere taste for rhetoric or polemics, but because we think that there are always a lot of ‘knots to be untied’. At the same time we think that it’s necessary to reflect and analyse, a difficult task which is certainly not opposed to the corrosive demolition of certitudes; on the contrary it’s complementary to it. In these reflections and analyses we have always maintained that reality is not an incomprehensible enigma, contrary to what those who want to impose their resignation on us have always stated. So in this issue we also tried to analyse the current reality, and in particular we wanted to do so by proposing some hypotheses, besides carrying on the reflections and analyses which characterized previous issues with more or less extended theoretical articles alongside articles of agitation and topicality. To the readers their own considerations. We reiterate and remind, once again, that this paper is neither an aseptic intellectual product nor a container of opinions and points of view. Precisely because it doesn’t intend to close itself up in easy answers, shout solutions ready for consumption or brandish pre-arranged theses, this is an instrument which can imply a lively involvement with the ideas it affirms, and we always wish this is the case.


– L’Idea indicibile [The Idea that cannot be said]
– Azione… e reazione [Action… and reaction]
– L’assalto con l’asta. Un incontro sportivo tra lotte e repressione [Pole vaulting. A sports competition between the struggle and repression]
– Quale internazionale? Intervista e dialogo con Alfredo Cospito dal carcere di Ferrara. Seconda parte [What international? Interview and talk with Alfredo Cospito from the prison of Ferrara. Part two]
– La punta dell’iceberg [The tip of the iceberg]
– A Marco [To Marco]
– Degenerazioni. Tra orgoglio e vittimismo di genere [Degenerations. Between gender pride and victimization]
– Pensieri e parole. A proposito del karaoke su Battisti [Thoughts and words. On the fuss about Battisti (a member of PAC, Armed Proletarians for Communism, he was accused of participating in the murder of a marshal, a police officer and a jeweller in the 1970s. After escaping from prison in Italy, he found refuge first in France and then in Brazil. He was arrested in Bolivia in January 2019 and he’s facing extradition to Italy)]
– Nazionalismoduepuntozero. Dodici ipotesi su robotica, crisi della globalizzazione e «ritorno» dello Stato-nazione [Nationalismtwopointzero. Twelve hypotheses on robotics, the crisis of
globalization and the ‘return’ of the nation-State]
– Libia: guerra per procura tra Italia e Francia [Libya: proxy war between Italy and France]
– La fine dell’insurrezionalismo? [The end of insurrectionism?]
– La morte dello Stato [The death of the State]
– I grandi editori [Big editors]
– Una storia sinistra. Terza parte (1962-1982) [A sinister story. Part three (1962-1982)]

Orders and contacts: vetriolo@autistici.org

2 euros per copy. For distributors: 1.50 euros per copy for orders of five and more copies. Postal fees in Italy: 1.30 euros (up to 2 kilograms). Free for prisoners. Issues 0, 1 and 2 are still available.

[Translated by act for freedom now!]

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PDF: Compilado de textos de los companeros presos del Kolektivo Kamina Libre (Chile)

February 17th, 2019

portada kaminalibre

PDF: Kolektivo Kamina Libre. Diciembre 2018

“No podemos alimentar la amnesia, el silencio o kualkier tipo de
inkonsecuencia ke tienda a obviar la existencia de una realidad ke está
presente en Chile (…)”.
Kolektivo Kamina Libre. 2002.

Con esta nueva y última edición buscamos multiplicar algunas palabras que fueron emitidas desde diferentes cárceles de Chile por los compañeros miembros del Kolektivo Kamina Libre (1997-2004) quienes estuvieron más de una década en prisión por haber combatido la dictadura militar y la democracia solapada. Read the rest of this entry »

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Athens, Greece: Claim of responsibility for the arson attack on Procurer’s vehicles

February 1st, 2019


PDF Version

What does the lair of a procurer do at Heraklion avenue, uh?


At the dawn of Thursday 20/12/2018 an unpleasant surprise roiled the whole family of Aggelos Giannakopoulos, boss of “Horiatiko” and “Attica Bakeries” baker’s shops, at the family apartment building of 29 Heraklion Avenue in Ano Patisia. Three of the family’s cars were wrapped in flames, the front was damaged and the windows of the ground floor were broken. The forementioned dorm is the same building where, years ago, Giannakopoulos bros were imprisoning, blackmailing and prostituting women from the Eastern Bloc, in their owned lap-dancing clubs, at private appointments, as well as in sleazy “bars” all over Greece.

Police stories…

In the summer of 2007, cops, prosecutors and Department of Financial Crime auditors bust in the said block of flats. In the press, information is leaked that Angelos Giannakopoulos is the head of an international trafficking network. The pimps with the synergy of employment agencies in Eastern European countries were bringing women, withholding their credentials, and selling their bodies to punters. Despite the “coordinated” operation, the two Giannakopoulos brothers get away, while dozens of smaller fish are captured, among them the name of retired cop Konstantinos Kyrou being exposed. The network’s profits were laundered in dozens of “legal” bakeries and shops of Giannakopoulos bros and with the facility of an off-shore company. In addition, those wanted are accused of trafficking of minor and adult women, abduction, injuries, drug trafficking, forgery and money laundering. The next act of the drama is played sixteen months later in November 2008 when a second police operation for the activities of Giannakopoulos is conducted, in cooperation with Interpol (as well as the first time). Read the rest of this entry »

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Leipzig – Attack on the Federal Court on New Years Eve (Germany)

January 28th, 2019

During new years eve in Leipzig, eastern Germany, the night of excess was used to initiate an attack on a target that, up until then, deemed itself as heavily protected and untouchable. Every year for the first half hour of the new year, the
big cities in are covered in thick layers of fog and smog, never ending noises of explosions and masses of people who take over the sidewalks and community spaces to get a good look at the fireworks. The attackers goal was the federal court and the state prosecution. This institution figuratively and literally represents the central organ of the judiciary, this state and its democratic society.

200 meters away from the federal court, a burning barricade blocked the crossroad, so that the group could carry out the attack on the federal court and the neighbouring fraternity Corps Lusatia without any disturbances. Stones broke
through the windows of the fraternity house and paint balls were thrown at the facade. The mobile cameras of the court house were sprayed followed by people jumping the fence and trying to break through the security glass. Fire was set to the front door and the window frame, sadly the insides of the building were left undamaged. In front of the court, another barricade was set ablaze, cars were smashed and burned. The whole street was covered in smoke, released from the
cartridges of the attackers.

A choreography, which led saxonies attorney general to believe in a high level of professionalism behind the attack. He was very quick to announce a new level of left radical violence. Not only did the delinquents attack the state, but the whole society. Nothing that actually hasn‘t been heard before.

Around the new year, several attacks against state property were carried out. For example the arson attack against the district court in Berlin-Wedding and the district court and the district attorneys office in Hamburg in the last week of December 2018. In the first weeks of January there were attacks on the Court Building in the south of Germany, Stuttgart and some days later in Freiburg and against the Court in Göttingen, as an attack against deportations and the racist law regime.

Let‘s continue to target these institutions.
As long as we walk these streets we will try to burn down every court, that people get dragged in front of every day!

Press: 1 & 2

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Yellow Vest counter demo: Dublin, Ireland

January 28th, 2019

The Yellow Vests call for unity, but how can there be unity?

On Saturday, January 12th the Yellow Vests had another of their weekly marches in Dublin. Anti fascist and anti racist showed up to the march for the second week in a row.

As soon as the banner and anti fascist flag was took out yellow vesters came out of the crowd looking angry. We received a torrent of abuse and shouts of, “house our own”, “we need more racists”, “Fuck refugees”, “refugees not welcome”, “you’se are paid by George Soros”, and “Ireland for white people”. They gave a very poor attempt to take our banner and flag but couldn’t manage to succeed. We were shouted at to leave, “fuck off”. Not one out of the crowd of about 60 to 70 yellow vests supported the banner for refugees or said anything about the racists shite being spouted. We stayed and followed them in their march and we left before they attempted their joke of a direct action where they attempted to block a road for an hour, the cops moved them on before the yellow vest protest reached their hour long goal to block traffic.

The Yellow vests in Ireland are not a “leaderless movement” Read the rest of this entry »

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