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February 13, 2019 - click here for index of articles.

Robber banks

The banks have little to fear from the Hayne Royal Commission. This was evident by the rise in their share prices the day after the release of its report. Their pubic images have taken a battering. Senior management, all scrambling to hold onto their jobs and six or seven figure salary packages, are promising a change of “culture”.  more ...

Editorial – Hammer out freedom

Following a frenzied attack on Karl Marx’s memorial at London’s Highgate Cemetery last week the Cemetery officials warned that the listed monument will never be the same again.  more ...

People can’t live in a stadium

They also would prefer plans to drive down electricity costs rather than new tollways that drive up the cost-of-living; and new train lines that can’t connect them to services like mental health support if those services don’t exist.  more ...

Civilian deaths in a dirty war

The RAAF, after a year-long investigation, have admitted that Australian Super Hornets “may have” killed an estimated 18 civilians in Mosul in Iraq. The announcement on February 1, by Air Marshal Hupfield, was in damage control mode. The airmen were not to blame, the Iraqi soldiers were not to blame as they under fighting stress, and most of all the Coalition forces were not to blame as they gave the right target coordinates. With suitable sad face Hupfield announced “this was an unfortunate consequence of war”.  more ...

Universal basic income

In much of the Western world the period immediately following the Second World War saw major changes in the nature of capitalist economic management and planning.   more ...

A brief history of the world communist movement

Scientific socialism as we know it today developed out of the early 19th century critique, by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and their comrades, and followers of what they called utopian socialism.  more ...

Edging toward war with Iran?

Keeping track of the Trump administration’s foreign policy is like trying to track a cat on a hot tin roof: We’re pulling out of Syria (not right away). We’re leaving Afghanistan (sometime in the future). Mexico is going to pay for a wall (no, it isn’t). Saudi Arabia, Russia, the European Union, China, Turkey, North Korea – one day, friends, another day, foes. Even with a scorecard, it’s hard to tell who’s on first.  more ...

Trump’s wall: A death sentence for wildlife

President Trump’s dream of a border wall is a nightmare for the US. Most agree it’s a dangerous idea rooted in xenophobia, but should it be built, endangered wildlife might be among its first casualties. It would also pose a significant threat to the climate. In a nation already being ravaged by global warming, it would be a multi-billion-dollar exercise in absurdity.  more ...

Cuban doctors blocked in Brazil – Statement

The Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, committed to the solidarity and humanistic principles that have guided Cuba’s medical co-operation for 55 years, has been participating in the program More Doctors for Brazil since its inception in August 2013. This initiative, launched by Dilma Rousseff, who was at that moment president of the Federal Republic of Brazil, pursued the double purpose of guaranteeing medical assistance to the majority of the Brazilian people, following the principle of universal health coverage promoted by the World Health Organisation.  more ...

Quote of the Week

And thus I clothe my naked villany
With odd old ends stol’n forth of holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil

W Shakespeare – Richard III

This web page was last updated: Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

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