
Political Pensions

WBT publishes this short appeal by Dr. Dale Kerwin here. Another perk apart from pensions is that politicians, senior public servants and union officials are appointed to boards on companies and extract fees. For example the Qld Labor government recently … Continue reading


Protected: Quang and the University creating change

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Qld Human Rights Bill a con

The Human Rights Bill 2018 is a carefully crafted con. Superficially it purports to conform with the legal principle that Australian legislation does not conflict with international law, and with Australia’s responsibility as a member state of the United Nations … Continue reading


Solidarity with Mapuche

The chilean community in Brisbane is making a call to stand up for the Mapuche people in Chile, the indigenous people from the Temukuikuiis community, from the south of Chile has been under siege and repressed for the last years … Continue reading


The rules are broken, so how do we fix them?

This gallery contains 1 photos. The ACTU made a pitch to a big march of unionists, some say 20,000 people, on the streets of Brisbane today calling on them to build a movement to bring down the federal government. We were told at the … Continue reading


We’re Stranded: 30 years since the 4ZZZ eviction


The Paper Chained

The second issue of Paper Chained has been published online! This is a journal that supports publication of writings and artistic expressions from people affected by incarceration.  View online here: PDF:


Stop violence against Women

The Young Dancer is Dead


In the early evening of November 7th, 1993 (25 years ago last Wednesday); a group of aboriginal teenagers were hanging out in Musgrave Park. One of them was Daniel “Boonie” Yock, an 18 year old who performed around Brisbane with the Wakka Wakka dance troupe.

The boys in the park did something to attract the attention of a police car – according to the police “behaving in a disorderly manner”. The car approached them and the boys ran.

Why did they run? We don’t know. Maybe they were carrying yarndi or alcohol. A later report indicated Daniel had both in his system. Maybe it was just adrenaline. Maybe it was because of a long-standing and well-documented history of police violence against aboriginal people in Queensland.

Whatever reason it was, they took off in the direction of Boundary Street. Even for fit young dancers though it’s hard to outrun a police…

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Schonell’s Best Films 1975 – 2000

Schonell theatre interior 2 Apr 1971  The Schonell Theatre’s most popular films … Thanks to Ron Wakenshaw and Desley Agnoletto for compiling this list. Remember to sign the petition to save the UQ Union Complex including the Schonell. AGUIRE WRATH … Continue reading


Stop fencing out the poor

The right to the city is far more than the individual liberty to access urban resources: it is right to change ourselves by changing the city. It is moreover, a common rather than an individual right since this transformation inevitably … Continue reading


Chile Solidarity

To International Community Today in Chile young Mapuche activist Camilo Catrillanca from Temukuikui community was shot and killed by Chilean police . He was killed by a special command unit called Jungle Command , a newly-formed military police taskforce trained … Continue reading


Government response to homeless inadequate

“There are currently 96 families on the Dept of Housing register waiting for 3 bedroom housing in the Acacia Ridge area. 32 of these families have been assessed as having a very high need for housing.” – Senior Housing Officer … Continue reading

Wages Theft

Paradigm Shift

This week we talk wage theft in Queensland, past and present.

We discuss the Qld government inquiry into wage theft released today with Marianna O’Gorman from the McKell Institue.

We also speak with lawyer Jonathan Kawa about a class action lawsuit to recover decades worth of wages that were never paid to aboriginal workers.

Bruce Springsteen – Factory
Petrol Girls – Strike
Dawn Daylight – Culture
Bryte – World on strike
The Currency – 888

Listen @

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The free press


Moreton Bay

One Sunday morningWhile I was out walkingBy the Brisbane’s watersI chanced to strayThere I found a prisonerLayed half in the waterHe’d seen me comingAnd he began to say Sixteen Straws, The Drones The start is Moreton Bay (also known as … Continue reading


Change the Rules Rally

Things are out of balance. Australia needs a pay rise that keeps ahead of the cost of living. It’s time for working people to stand together for a fairer go for everyone. We need to change the rules so that … Continue reading


AFP training killer militia

Pop-up concert in Cairns – Protesting AFP’s training and arming of killer Militia in Indonesian West Papua 11:15am AFP Sheridan St/Airport Drive, Cairns, Friday Gimuy (Cairns) Peace Pilgrims will hold a “pop-up” concert outside the Australian Federal Police on Sheridan … Continue reading


UN International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women


From the Dock



This gallery contains 4 photos.

Watch the butcher shine his knivesAnd this town is full of battered wives…………………………………….They shut it downThey pulled it downThey shut it downThey pulled it down On 14 November Quest News is running a #SnapBrisbane campaign to”to celebrate all the things … Continue reading


Developers still threaten Fig and Cyclists/Walkers on Smyth Ck Bikeway

The latest Developers at #160 Macquarie Street, Conmus Enterprises Pty, have put in Submissions on the BCC website that show they plan excavations (4 carpark levels deep, plus foundations for a block that remains enormous, relative to anything else in … Continue reading



Brisbane Radical Events and Diary Thursday November 15 The Reluctant Radical Film Screening (FLAC Fundraiser) 6-8:30pm at Rumpus Room, 1/56 Russell St West End Facebook event If a crime is committed in order to prevent a greater crime, is it … Continue reading


Lift the embargo on Cuba

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It has taken six months for this postcard to arrive from Cuba to Australia; posted in May 2018 it has just arrived in November of the same year. I suspect it has something to do with the US embargo. I … Continue reading


Save me, Brisbane

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Last Word on Remembrance Day

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HAIG Of the several criticisms leveled against Ernest Newman’s four-volume biography of Richard Wagner was that it never mentioned that his patron, King Ludwig II of Bavaria, was mad. Newman admitted that he had no expertise in diseases of the … Continue reading

A future free of men’s violence against women

Paradigm Shift

(Paradigm Shift 4zzz fm 102.1 9th Nov 2018 Friday at noon)

The theme of International Women’s Day IWD Brisbane Meanjin 2019 is A Future Free of Men’s Violence Against Women.

This week we spoke with Kat Benson from the Red Heart Campaign, the cast of a play called Hurried Steps by Dacia Maraini (Claire, Desi, Dilsah, Shantal and Karen), and Ray Yoshida who is running discussion groups for men to talk about sexism and gendered violence.

People can listen (for the next 6 weeks) @ .

The full interviews with the women from Hurried Steps are at:

The play Hurried Steps is on:

Saturday 17 November 2018,
4pm Reload Warehouse Space
9 Chrome Street, Salisbury
Entry is $10, or $5 concession, or by donation.
Bar open.
Bookings and enquiries
0466 447350 or

More information about the content of the play is @

Stella Donnelly  –  Boys…

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What ‘heritage’ means?

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There is a course at the University of Queensland called Local Planning, Landscape & Heritage where students learn ‘about plans, planning schemes, codes & guidelines currently used in local planning practice’. Students are expected to ‘have a solid command of … Continue reading


Imagining Peace

This gallery contains 2 photos.