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Urgent: expose the Brexit dark money

openDemocracy has worked for two years exposing the dark money driving Brexit. We have many more leads to chase down. Please give what you can today – it makes a difference.

Venezuela & Cuba: an exhausted revolutionary?

Venezuela's oil populism is mired in a deep crisis. Cuba is transiting to a capitalist restoration of its own. But Cuba and Venezuela share a certainty: there are no havens to return to. Español - free thinking for the world

Urgent: expose the Brexit dark money

openDemocracy has worked for two years exposing the dark money driving Brexit. We have many more leads to chase down. Please give what you can today – it makes a difference.

Venezuela & Cuba: an exhausted revolutionary?

Venezuela's oil populism is mired in a deep crisis. Cuba is transiting to a capitalist restoration of its own. But Cuba and Venezuela share a certainty: there are no havens to return to. Español - free thinking for the world

This week’s front page editor

Can shareholder activism tame the financial system?

Activists are increasingly targeting businesses – from oil companies to gun manufacturers – on the stock market. But can this strategy lead to lasting change?

Johnson & Davis claim chemicals industry will be Brexit winners – so where are the firms clamouring to leave?

Part one of a three-part-series: Will Brexit mean a toxic chemicals BREACH?

How can allies protect communities threatened with violence?

How to avoid the ‘white savior syndrome.’

Sophia de Mello Breyner: when art is not free, people are not free

Poetry is a form of resistance against indignity. The responsibility of the writer is not only to interpret life, but to shape how we understand and inhabit our societies. Português.

Venezuela & Cuba: an exhausted revolutionary?

Venezuela's oil populism is mired in a deep crisis. Cuba is transiting to a capitalist restoration of its own. But Cuba and Venezuela share a certainty: there are no havens to return to. Español

The radical right, immigration and the future of the EU

In the May European elections, the immigration issue will continue to play a role in the expected success of radical right parties.

In Iraq, Iran and Turkey are the real winners

The US is trying to create a Middle Eastern coalition to undermine Iran. They are sixteen years too late.

A tale of two events, and two cultures

The Science Congress and Jaipur Literature Festival (JLF), held in India every January, are the largest events of their kind in the world. This year a curious kind of osmosis took place.

Steve Martin: Changing your ways is easier than changing your mind

The author of international bestseller 'Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive' joins us to answer the question he dreaded – what had he changed his mind on?

The emperor’s new wall

President Donald Trump will continue trying to fund his border wall. If he succeeds, the human cost will make the final price tag much higher than $5.7 billion.

Radio Hakaya Podcast, episode 2: Abu Mohammed - from revolution to war

Episode 2 of a podcast series about the socio-political climate faced by Syrians and their host communities through their own eyes as the pressure rises for refugees to return to Syria.

A European take on Warsaw’s anti-Iran show

Analysis of US diplomacy and discourse after May 2018 suggests that the administration has revived its 1979 Iran-pathology with a vengeance.

There’s a backlash against sex education in ‘Feminist Canada’

Canada appears progressive on the world stage. But under pressure from the Christian right, Ontario’s premier scrapped modern sex education.

Was Symon Petliura “an antisemite who massacred Jews during a time of war”?

100 years on from one of the bloodiest pogroms during the Russian civil war, a leading figure in Ukraine continues to provoke controversy.

When rescue is capture: kidnapping and dividing migrants in the Mediterranean

EU member states are holding migrants hostage while playing pass the parcel with their fates. It's a strategy that is as cruel as it is deliberate.

Love beyond borders

How will the hardening of immigration policies affect the radical potential of romance?

The left has quietly won the debate about EU regulation. Now we must do the same for migration

Since the EU referendum the left has successfuly shifted the terms of the debate on regulation. Now we must have the courage to defend freedom of movement against the anti-immigration politics of Brexit.

Young disabled people in Kyrgyzstan find new goals and opportunities

More than 5,000 people with vision impairment live in Kyrgyzstan. I speak to Matluba Hakimova about independence, assistance and citizenship. 

First they came for the ‘bad hombres’ … but the North Carolina sheriffs are speaking out

As NC immigrant arrests climb to 230 ICE announces the “New Normal” declaring how, where and why the people considered immigration violators will be arrested.

‘Religious freedom’ claims used to defend FGM in courts in four countries

Cases come as rights advocates warn such arguments are increasingly being ‘weaponised’ against women’s and LGBT equality.

Is there a route to an English Parliament?

Could the current limited and muted support for an English Parliament could become a pressing demand? (An edited version of a talk given at the seminar ‘Routes to an English Parliament’ on 11th January 2019 at University of Winchester.)

How neoliberalism is normalising hostility

From working conditions to welfare policies, from immigration to the internet – this zero sum game of winners and losers benefits only the far right.

“Alle Shalle Be Wele:” Julian of Norwich and the process of transformation

What might a medieval recluse say to postmodern activists?

A missed opportunity to confront the access to justice crisis

This week, the UK's Ministry of Justice published its review into the legal aid cuts. For the many people now unable to access justice, it doesn't go far enough.