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  • seandodson 11:36 am on September 23, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    30 years of Balearic beats, by me 


  • seandodson 11:09 am on July 2, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    Top 10 Content providers in the UK, according to Alexa 

    There’s a perception — often repeated — that “new” media is sweeping away “legacy” media online. But a quick perusal of the Alexa page rank system reveals that, on the contary, it is traditional media that has colonised the top spots. The following list was taken from Alexa this morning. I’ve stripped out all social media sites, supermarkets and anyone else that doesn’t generate its own content. Start-ups like Buzzfeed are yet to be seen in the top ten.

    See for yourself here: Alexa Top Sites in United Kingdom

    1. BBC

    2. Wikipedia


    4. Mail online

    5. The Guardian

    6. The Torygraph





  • seandodson 10:08 pm on May 29, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    Nice piece about the possible expansion of the county championship Cricinfo (via I’m all in favour, especially if Scottish and Irish teams are to be invited.

  • seandodson 9:55 pm on May 29, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    How It Felt to Kiss You

  • seandodson 9:54 pm on May 29, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    Mara Carlyle: How It Felt to Kiss You 

    This is rather good:

  • seandodson 9:48 pm on May 29, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    This is rather good:

  • seandodson 9:47 pm on May 29, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    I think our job really is about teaching the public interest. I think one day there should be a whole module on it.

  • seandodson 6:14 pm on May 19, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: ,   

    My goodness: MailOnline is reporting that it gets 147, 257, 593 page impressions a day. That’s every single day. That’s an awful lot of swimwear pics

  • seandodson 10:43 am on May 19, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    This isn’t a trick pub quiz question. It’s true, I googled it: Nigel Farage, Keanu Reeves and Courtney Love — all born in the same year? T or F? Thanks to @hugorifkind of the Times for pointing it out.

  • seandodson 9:30 pm on May 15, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: brighton brighton_bands, electrelane,   

    Why are Electrelane so underrated? When they made this: 11 years on, they are practically forgotten

  • seandodson 9:29 pm on May 15, 2015 Permalink | Reply  


    Why are Electrelane so underrated? When they made this: 11 years on, they are practically forgotten

  • seandodson 2:02 pm on May 12, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: buzzfeed, ,   

    A lot’s made, nowadays, of new news site — Buzzfeed and the like — taking on the established providers. Now Gawker, though, is reporting that New York-based Buzzfeed is DELETING POSTS deemed as unfavourable to is advertisers. Arabelle Sicardi, a staff writer, saw her piece about Dove soaps recent bizarre ad campaign washed down the virtual plughole and replaced with a single sentence: “We pulled this post because it is not consistent with the tone of BuzzFeed Life.” It’s a slippery slope.

  • seandodson 5:44 pm on January 27, 2015 Permalink | Reply  

    The need for a global ethics is due not only to technological innovation and new ownership patterns; it is due to changes in the world that journalism inhabits.

    Stephen J. A. Ward

  • seandodson 8:12 pm on May 25, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: Kang Kang-hoon   

    Kang Kang-hoon Kang Kang-hoon makes extraordinary paintings. You can’t tell them apart from photographs

  • seandodson 4:15 pm on April 27, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: music balearic   

    This get’s you over bad result: Bill Brewster’s 25 top balearic classics

  • seandodson 3:55 pm on April 23, 2014 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: digital revenue, , , print advertising   

    Life in the old dog 

    Many thanks to Stu Smith, our librarian at Leeds Met, for pointing me towards a recent report, from the analysts Generator Research, which indicates that there’s still money to be made in the news business.

    The worldwide newspaper industry will grow from USD 114.3 billion in 2014 to USD 123.1 billion in 2018, an increase of 7.7%. While print advertising revenues will fall by 3.8%, from USD 64.5 billion in 2014 to USD 62.1 billion in 2018, revenues from copy sales, digital advertising and digital subscriptions will all increase. In developed internet markets the newspaper industry is experiencing a structural contraction which is being caused by digital technology and the internet. But in markets where the internet remains immature – India, Romania and the Philippines, for instance, traditional printed newspaper businesses are thriving. While publishers in mature markets will have to swallow a bitter pill, which will eventually see them downsizing or selling off their print operations, there has never been a better time for skilled writers, visionary publishers and savvy investors to get involved in the news business.

    • seandodson 10:43 am on April 25, 2014 Permalink | Reply

      And more good news announced in the latest edition of the British Journalism Review:

      In these straitened times journalists look for comfort where they can, so let’s take encouragement from the news that advertising revenue at Mail Online is currently rising faster than advertising revenue at the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday is falling; that the Financial Times now has more readers paying for the paper in online and mobile format than in hard copy; that The Times and Sunday Times have attracted more than 153,000 digital subscribers and, since introducing a paywall last August, The Sun more than 100,000. Perhaps newspaper companies can have a future.

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