BBC Sport Contact Form

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Please leave a number if you are happy to be contacted.

How we use your comments

Click here for information on how BBC Sport uses your comments and handles your personal data.

Please ensure you have read our terms and conditions before submitting your details.

Using this form

Please use this form if you have a comment, suggestion, wish to report a fault or have a query regarding how BBC Sport handles your personal data. You may also use it to ask a question, although check first to see whether your issue is covered on our FAQs page. Due to the volume of correspondence we receive, we are not able to reply to any questions already covered on that page.


If you wish to make a formal complaint, please go to our complaints website. Any feedback you have on our TV and radio offering should also be sent via the complaints website, this is so that it is properly recorded in the BBC’s audience log. Our BBC editorial guidelines are also available online.

Further information

For information on upcoming sports coverage and answers to common technological questions please visit our Help & FAQ page page. We are only able to respond to questions not covered on these pages.