Opinion | Comment & Analysis | The Sydney Morning Herald


Omid Jafary, 10, who lost his father, uncle and cousin on an asylum boat that sank off the Indonesian coast in 2012.

I was there the last time Australian politics encouraged people smuggling. Let's not do it again

Scott Morrison should remember the devastation this trade, this political turmoil, caused, and stop egging people smugglers on.

  • by Michael Bachelard


The 2015 Australian team celebrate their World Cup win.

Forget the gloom, Australia can win the World Cup and Ashes

People may laugh, but I honestly think Australia can triumph in both one-day and Test cricket this year.

  • by Dean Jones
For airline executives, the threat of not selling out an A380 made it a risky proposition.

How the A380 turned into a flying white elephant

Loved by passengers, feared by accountants, the world's largest airliner has been put out of its misery.

  • by Tim Hepher
Jana Matthews says creating a global business is no mean feat.
Small business

The questions to ask if you want to take your business global

Identifying whether your business is ready for international expansion means asking some tough questions.

  • by Jana Matthews
Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivers the Closing the Gap speech.

Time for listening: government must listen to Indigenous people

The history of white settlement in Australia has been marred by failure to take the views of Indigenous people seriously.

How many things we do at once? That's the question which the ABS should be asking.

We think we do six things at once. Soon we will have proof

Knowing how we spend our time makes it possible for governments to write policies which actually fit our lives. Which would be a miraculous change.

  • by Jenna Price
Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Coalition's duplicity clear as Morrison's boat comes in

The PM was asked to publicly state the medevac bill does not apply to new arrivals. He refused.

Two people died after taking drugs at Defqon.1.

This war on festivals will decimate culture

The NSW government's hasty response to tragic drug deaths at music festivals is a flawed document. It needs to do better.

  • by Julius Grafton
Former Socceroo Craig Foster (left) is seen with refugee footballer Hakeem Al-Araibi (centre) as he is greeted by supporters upon arriving at Melbourne International Airport in Melbourne, Tuesday, February 12, 2019.

Hakeem al-Araibi's treatment shows up red faces at Interpol

Australia should be more proactive in Interpol when it comes to Red Notices affecting Australian residents.

  • by Clive Williams
Andy Penn is pleased with the performance of Telstra TV.

Investing in Telstra is a game of regulatory roulette

For every growth avenue Andy Penn explores, there is Rod Sims or an angry politician standing in the way. 

  • by John McDuling
In the Herald dinkus

In the Herald: February 15, 1966

Decimal currency and a million-dollar computer for University of Sydney.

  • by Lyn Maccallum
Asylum seekers on Nauru.

Medevac leaves Morrison government in a bizarre position

You can only argue this bill encourages asylum seekers to get on boats if you choose not to read it.

  • by Waleed Aly
Column 8 granny dinkus

Column 8

Swimming snakes and stealth buggies.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Thursday, at the end of a long week in Parliament.

This first parliamentary week of the year was a miserable metaphor for the state of federal politics

This week was a miserable metaphor for the state of federal politics in this jittery start to a long, fear-fuelled election campaign.

  • by Tony Wright
Brumbies chief executive Phil Thomson.
Rugby Union

Brumbies hope new year brings new hope for rugby crowd revival

Cleaners put the finishing touches on Canberra Stadium on Thursday, but will fans turn up to watch?

  • by Chris Dutton
Composite shot

Boats and borders: The politics of immigration

This week in parliament is one for the history books. Fresh from a historic defeat at the hands of Labor and the crossbench, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced the reopening of Christmas Island as immigration shapes up to be a central election issue.

Polly Dunning has calculated that if she returns to full-time work her family would have to fork out $32,900 in childcare fees for her son, Alfred.
Life & relationships

I am a stay at home mother, please don't ask, 'Do you have a job?'

"My role is to provide childcare during business hours. That’s it. And that is enough. That is a full-time job. Just ask a nanny."

  • by Polly Dunning
Closing the Gap Day shines a light on the issue of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage.

At last, the PM gives Indigenous Australians a reason to hope

Efforts to close the gap have failed because Indigenous people have not had a seat at the table. Scott Morrison has vowed to change that.

  • by Pat Turner
Homeless man Lanz Priestly in the Martin Place encampment.

Every MP should be ashamed. I know I am

A member of the NSW Parliament confronts the failure to help the state's 38,000 homeless people.

  • by Alex Greenwich
Changing Rooms host Natalie Bassingthwaighte with two contestants.
TV & radio

Network 10 bumps Changing Rooms after ratings disaster

It was a hit 20 years ago – so why are viewers rejecting it now?

  • by Michael Lallo
Pope Francis is greeted by a group of nuns during the weekly general audience.
Health & wellness

My advice to the Pope: take the million dollars and go vegan

If the Pope has any sense, he'll take the money and spend it on the poor.

  • by Melanie McDonagh
Crossbench MPs Kerryn Phelps, Julia Banks and Rebekha Sharkie celebrate after the bill passes the House of Representatives.

Shorten should have called for an election immediately

Bill Shorten could have pushed harder this week and chose not to. The Opposition Leader has not turned the government’s loss into a call for an election. Given the way this Parliament carries on, that is a shame.

  • by David Crowe
Manchester United boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

United must be ruthless to address squad littered with passengers

Sir Alex Ferguson once described United as "a bus that waits for no man" but, in recent years, it has become a bus that keeps acquiring passengers who never get off.

  • by James Ducker
AMP's new chief executive, Francesco de Ferrari says 2019 is a transitional year from which the group will emerge a smaller business.
Banking & finance

The incredible shrinking AMP: Setting up for a down-sized future

The scale of the challenges confronting new AMP chief executive Francesco De Ferrari are many, varied and, if not yet existential, quite threatening.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Borghetti delivers big profit jump - happy at last

Borghetti leaves on a high as Virgin flies into the black

It has taken Virgin Australia 10 years to reinvent itself as a full service premium airline, and one that makes a respectable profit.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
Prime Minister Scott Morrison

Coalition loud on boat fears but silent on detail

No, Scott Morrison – every refugee boat arrival on Australian shores from now until the election is on the government's head.

A Palestinian protester throws back a teargas canister fired by Israeli soldiers during clashes on the border with Gaza.

The key to Middle East peace is getting Palestinians to say 'yes'

Australia will not encourage lasting peace by unilaterally recognising a Palestinian state. First the Palestinians must be swayed to recognise Israel.

  • by Ahron Shapiro
Outgoing NAB chairman Ken Henry has been credited for his public service.

Ken Henry’s fall from grace

Public life is healthier when those in authority take responsibility when things have gone wrong and when so many powerless people have been badly hurt.

  • by John Warhurst
In the Herald dinkus

In the Herald: February 14, 1941

Foundry conditions, banned religions and more petrol rationing

  • by Ellen Fitzgerald
If you come from the landlocked inner west, you may not realise that there's a bloody big ocean at the edge of Australia.

Moving to Sydney's eastern suburbs? Here's what you'll have to do to fit in

The eastern suburbs of Sydney are Australia at its best. World-class beaches, stately homes, tree-lined streets and populated by people that are annoyingly beautiful. Here's how to fit in.

  • by Stephen Lacey
Asylum seekers on Nauru.

Getting to the dark heart of our asylum seeker hysteria

Is it a concern with practicalities or something much deeper and darker that drives our fear of asylum seekers?

  • by Jessica Irvine
column 8 granny dinkus

Column 8

Patron saint of the pigskin.

Scott Morrison.

Facts matter in refugee debate

The Morrison government will launch an ugly scare campaign, but Bill Shorten knows what to expect.

  • by David Crowe
Age editorial dinkus masthead

Banks’ credit crunch is wrong response

There is a real risk Australia is facing a damaging short-term swing of the pendulum from overspending to parsimony.

Asylum seekers perished in their attempt to land on Christmas Island. Now Prime Minister Scott Morrison is reopening the detention centre on the island.

PM attempts to rescue his sinking boat with a sea of fear

There are risks for the Coalition and Labor in an election fought over boat people, but voters will see through Scott Morrison's scare campaign.

  • by John Hewson
Prime Minister Scott Morrison during debate at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday.

Constitutional precedents are not ‘bubble nonsense’

If the bill had passed in its initial form, there would have been a serious argument that the government had lost control over the budget, threatening its right to continue governing.

  • by Anne Twomey
Spotlight is being turned on coal mining in Greater Sydney's catchment.

Welcome to the accidental iron ore boom

A month ago, no one saw this coming.

  • by Elizabeth Knight
"Keep Sydney Open" rally to protest against the recently renewed lockout laws, 2016.

Lord mayor throws down gauntlet over lockout losses

Having more options creates a safer and more balanced late-night economy, which attracts a wider range of people.

  • by Clover Moore
Prime Minister Scott Morrison addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra.

Morrison's hoping his scare tactics will generate votes

The book Scott Morrison was waving about at the National Press Club should be enthralling bedtime reading.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison addresses the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra.

Raise taxes or find a new way of defending our country

The future of the defence budget should send shivers down the (missing) spines of politicians around the country.

  • by Nicholas Stuart
Refugee footballer Hakeem al-Araibi with Craig Foster arrives back to Melbourne.

A rare Australian victory for the cause of human rights

Three cheers for those who campaigned to free Hakeem al-Araibi.

Extreme heat in South-east Queensland is causing students to get sick, say parents.

Stay cool with revised house construction codes

We must also urgently modify the codes and regulations that dictate the performance of Australian buildings.

  • by Mat Santamouris
In the Herald dinkus

In the Herald: February 13, 1923

Odious policies and tackling pillaging.

  • by Ellen Fitzgerald
The latest report from the CSIRO says the lowest-cost power from a newly built facility is now produced by solar and wind.
The economy

We could be among the world's climate change winners

The latest report from the CSIRO says the lowest-cost power from a newly built facility is now produced by solar and wind.

  • by Ross Gittins
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell speaks at a news conference, Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2019, in Washington. The Federal Reserve is keeping its key interest rate unchanged and promising to be "patient." It is signaling it could leave rates alone in coming months given muted inflation. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Jerome Powell isn't the only one confused by the peculiar market behaviour

There is confusion and contradiction in financial markets as trade talks near their crunch point.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
Tom Cruise with Nicole Kidman in 1998.

Cutting short shamers down to size

We need to take a stand – perhaps on a step stool – against the tyranny of height shaming.

  • by Dan Kaufman
column 8 granny dinkus

Column 8

The current discussion on electric cars.

Healthy teeth

'I am afraid I cannot trust anyone with try-hard teeth'

Adulthood is a tricky business, I've decided. I reached it rather early in life.

  • by Jim Bright
Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Tuesday.

Prime Minister's strength turns into a weakness

Scott Morrison was the immigration minister who restored control of Australia’s borders. He is now the PM who has lost control of Australia’s parliament.

  • by Peter Hartcher
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten on Tuesday.

It hasn't been pretty, but this is a workable compromise on an ugly issue

A majority of members of Parliament have supported an outcome most Australians could live with.

  • by David Wroe