Ask George: How do I make sure my death doesn't tax my kids?

Ask George: How do I make sure my death doesn't tax my kids?

I am 63, single, and in accumulation mode, but soon to retire, with my current super valued at $2.3 million of which 90 per cent is taxable and 10 per cent is tax free. I am keen to undertake a recontribution strategy so that my children won’t be hit with ‘death tax’ estimated to be $351,900 if I was to fall off the perch tomorrow. But I have been told that as my super is greater than $1.6 million super balance cap, I am unable to undertake a recontribution strategy. However, I understand that a transition to retirement (TTR) pension does not count towards that transfer balance cap. In theory, I am to commence a TTR pension of say, $1.2 million now, leaving my super in accumulation at $1.1 million, and then upon retirement recontribute $300,000 to bring the balance up to $1.4 million and then start an allocated pension? D.P.

Illustration: Simon Letch

Illustration: Simon LetchCredit:

Nice try, but no go. It’s not your Transfer Balance Cap (the most you can place into a retirement phase pension with 100 per cent tax exemption) but your “Total Superannuation Balance” or TSB that limits you.

Your TSB is the sum of the market value of your accumulation funds, plus allocated pensions, including transition to retirement income streams (plus the calculated value of any defined benefit pensions if you have any). This total affects your eligibility for a number of measures, the most relevant of which, in your case, concerns your non concessional contributions (NCC) cap and the three year bring-forward (or “rollup”) rule. In a nutshell, from July, 2017, a TSB more than $1.6 million means that no further NCCs can be made.

Since a recontribution strategy requires you to withdraw a benefit containing a taxable component and then recontribute the money as an NCC back into the super fund, you have too much in super to do this. You can of course withdraw some money and give the kids an early inheritance, and invest some personally but are then subject to the usual taxes. Or you can plan to wait until your doctor gives you the bad news, then close your super funds quickly, withdrawing benefits without tax!


My daughters, aged 11 and 13, recently received $1000 each from an elderly relative. What would be the best way to invest it for the long term e.g. five to seven years or more? I was looking into Index funds but they require a bit more money to invest than $1000. I would like to earn a bit more interest than in a bank account. K.S.

You put me in a bit of a quandary because, for that money, you could buy an indexed Exchange Traded Fund. or ETF, for the minimum ASX parcel size of $500. One of the most heavily traded is the SPDR (which stands for Standard & Poor's Depository Receipt) 200 ETF (ASX code STW), which tracks the ASX 200 Index and is priced at about $52 at the time of writing. You would need to open an account with a broker, such as Commsec, which would charge you $19.95 to buy and also to sell.


However, as I’ve said before, I’m out on a limb because of my hesitation to support ETFs, and derivatives generally, which US billionaire Warren Buffett once described as “weapons of mass destruction”. So far, any criticism of ETFs has not stopped them from becoming enormously popular in major sharemarkets around the world. Then there is the risk of further market volatility if US-China trade talks continues to falter and if the US Government is in turmoil for the next two, and possibly six, years.

I have been expecting the sharemarket to fall a little further before rebounding temporarily but it's possible the rebound has begun. “Temporarily” because I suspect such a bounce would be due to cherry picking stocks in an oversold market, rather than due to a positive economic outlook. The latter dims later this year and into 2020 as the world economy continues to slow down, and as Australian property prices continue to slip. You might sleep better with the money in a term deposit.

My husband and I are 73 and 74 and each have $500,000 in super. We have no debts and are self-funded retirees, with $200,000 in the bank. My husband’s super is half taxable component and half tax free component. If my husband dies before me, will I inherit his super tax free or do I inherit the tax debt? D.A.

You need not worry. A “tax dependent”, such as a spouse i.e. yourself, or a child under 18 or someone financially dependent on the deceased, can receive a superannuation death benefit without paying the 15 per cent “death tax” on the taxable component of the lump sum. Instead, such a tax would be payable by, say, children over 18 or other relatives.

Or you can receive the death benefit as a tax-free pension, which I would recommend and, since the sum of your combined benefits will be less than $1.6m, there should be no complications.

I read your article on granny flat rules and wondered if you know of any instances where a granny flat arrangement has been accepted by Centrelink, even though the legal title did not formally change? J.B.

For Centrelink purposes, granny flats can be created in a number of ways e.g. if someone (1) pays for the construction of a flat in another person’s property and receives a life tenancy in that flat i.e. with no change in title, or (2) transfers the title of their home to another person and receives a life interest in the home, or (3) buys a property in another person’s name in return for a life tenancy in that property. Centrelink “gifting” rules do not apply in these situations but there are limits and you should make an appointment with Centrelink to discuss your particular case.

The current tax offset of $1602 given to pensioners who pay tax does not have a cash refund if all the offset is not used in their tax return. However, people with a share portfolio are given a cash refund under the imputation scheme. Please explain the difference in this policy. P.F.

Tax offsets, which reduce the income tax you need to pay (as opposed to “deductions”, which reduce your taxable income) come as either “refundable” or “non-refundable”. Most fall into the latter category i.e. if your tax offsets are greater than the amount of tax you are liable to pay, you do not get a refund of the excess amount. In simple terms, use it or lose it.

These include offsets such as the Senior Australians and Pensioners Tax Offset (SAPTO) that you mention, which can reduce the tax for each member of a couple by up to $1602 (or $2040 each for couples separated by illness, or $2230 for singles), or the Low Income Tax Offset (up to $445) or the new Low & Middle Income Tax Offset or Zone and Overseas Forces offset, etc.

A handful of “refundable” tax offsets will pay you the unused amount, such as the imputation offset (or franking credit), the private health insurance rebate, which can be a refundable tax offset if you claim it when you lodge your tax return, or the national rental affordability scheme (NRAS) tax offset.

If you have a question for George Cochrane, send it to Personal Investment, PO Box 3001, Tamarama, NSW, 2026. Help lines: Australian Financial Complaints Authority, 1800 931 678; Centrelink pensions 13 23 00. All letters answered.
