Federal Politics | Breaking News and Headlines | The Sydney Morning Herald



I was there the last time Australian politics encouraged people smuggling. Let's not do it again

I was there the last time Australian politics encouraged people smuggling. Let's not do it again

Scott Morrison should remember the devastation this trade, this political turmoil, caused, and stop egging people smugglers on.

  • by Michael Bachelard


Indonesia-Australia to sign free trade agreement

Indonesia-Australia to sign free trade agreement

Months of tensions over Australia's proposal to move its embassy to Jerusalem threatened to derail the multibillion-dollar deal. 

  • by Eryk Bagshaw
Cash grilled over leaked AFP raids

Cash grilled over leaked AFP raids

Senior government minister Michaelia Cash arrived at the Federal Court to be grilled this morning over the leaked AFP raids on the Australian Workers Union in 2017.

The latest illustrations from artist Andrew Dyson

Some of his best work

The latest illustrations from artist Cathy Wilcox

The latest work by Sydney Morning Herald editorial cartoonist Cathy Wilcox.

The latest illustrations from artist Matt Golding
30 images

The latest illustrations from artist Matt Golding

Illustrations by the artist from The Age.

Best of cartoons February 15, 2019
8 images

Best of cartoons February 15, 2019

Our talented team of artists, illustrators and cartoonists give us their own version of the news of the day.

Time for listening: government must listen to Indigenous people

Time for listening: government must listen to Indigenous people

The history of white settlement in Australia has been marred by failure to take the views of Indigenous people seriously.

'Welfare to nowhere': Senate committee slams government job program

'Welfare to nowhere': Senate committee slams government job program

The report comes as the government weighs a major overhaul of the program designed to help the unemployed.

  • by Sally Whyte
Expanding access to psychologists 'would cost $2 billion'

Expanding access to psychologists 'would cost $2 billion'

A proposal to radically expand access to psychological therapy being considered by a federal government review would cost up to $2 billion to implement, new modelling shows. 

  • by Dana McCauley
Medevac leaves Morrison government in a bizarre position
Asylum seekers

Medevac leaves Morrison government in a bizarre position

You can only argue this bill encourages asylum seekers to get on boats if you choose not to read it.

  • by Waleed Aly