Australia Sea Surface Temperature

The sea surface temperature (SST) varies much more slowly than atmospheric temperatures due to the heat capacity of water. As such, the SSTs lag the atmospheric temperatures on a seasonal timescale by about 3 months. The lowest SSTs are usually observed in early Spring and the highest SSTs are observed in early Autumn.

In tropical regions, SSTs greater than 26°C are considered suitable for formation of tropical cyclones.

The data displayed in this map is the weekly average, centred on the date shown.

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Western Australia continuing to swelter this summer

13:02 EDT

The highest mean maximum temperature ever was recorded for WA this January, with hot temperatures looking to continue for the remainder of summer.

Volunteers drop fodder, supplies by helicopter in fight to save surviving cattle from floods

10:59 EDT

Amid the ongoing flood crisis in north-west Queensland, an army of volunteers and small businesses is making a difference in the fight to save surviving cattle from starvation.

'Climate-change refugees' quit mainland farming in search of greener pastures in Tasmania

06:25 EDT

This week, farmers in parts of western Queensland saw their stock drown and die from exposure in disastrous flood conditions which .