New York City Antifa


Antifascist research and action in the five boroughs.

New York City
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@NYCAntifa را مسدود کردید

مطمئن اید که می‌خواهید این توییت‌ها را ببینید؟ دیدن توییت‌ها، @NYCAntifa را از مسدودشدگی در نمی‌آورد.

  1. توییت سنجاق‌شده
    دی ۲۸

    The mantra of "no violence" is something that antifascists must often contend with in the US & around the world. But insisting on pacifism in the wake of the very real violence perpetrated by fascists & the Far Right only betrays their intended victims.

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  2. ۶ ساعت پیش
    این توییت در دسترس نیست.
  3. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۵ ساعت پیش

    Regarding the Portland City Council Resolution - Portland Must Fire Quincy Franklin and Gregory Isaacson

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  4. بازتوییت کرد
    ۱۳ ساعت پیش
  5. ۱۷ ساعت پیش

    Tech companies allowed the Daily Stormer to radicalize and spread hate for years. DS only lost its domain in August 2017 (over a year after Grandpa Lampshade's first podcast), and only because Andrew Anglin made a disgusting post about Heather Heyer after her murder in Cville.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  6. ۱۷ ساعت پیش

    "Grandpa Lampshade," a Trump voter & Nazi, is actually Daniel Kenneth Jeffreys. In the chain of Nazi indoctrination, Jeffreys was radicalized by Andrew Anglin & the Daily Stormer, and went on to radicalize the Pittsburgh shooter Robert Bowers & others.

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  7. ۱۸ ساعت پیش

    Q. Who predicted that giving fascists and the Far Right room to organize would create a violent, volatile situation that only gets worse? A. Antifascists. Anti-fascism is self-defense.

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  8. ۱۸ ساعت پیش

    This is of course after the city repeatedly granted Patriot Prayer permits to march, the police repeatedly targeted antifascists & allowed Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer to do as they liked, and literally *did nothing* while Tiny, Joey Gibson, & others assaulted residents.

    نمایش این رشته‌توییت
  9. ۱۸ ساعت پیش

    After 2 years of attacks on Portland residents, including the murder of two people by Patriot Prayer attendee Jeremy Christian, the City Council decides to speak up after the Mayor himself has been repeatedly threatened by these violent lunatics. No groups are mentioned by name.

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  10. ۱۹ ساعت پیش

    BREAKING: More proof that all these mfs did it

  11. بهمن ۱۸
  12. بهمن ۱۸

    Things are going well over at the Crying Nazi’s cryptogrift emporium

  13. بهمن ۱۸

    Pretty sure Venezuela just threw it away because no one wanted it.

  14. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۸

    William James Tscahntre is a 22 year old Atomwaffen Division member from Bradenton, Florida. He is a registered Republican & his last know address is on 11th Street East in Bradenton. His birthdate is 11/24/1996. 1/5

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  15. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۷

    “I’m gonna lock the front door just in case Liam neeson’s in the area” 😂😭😂😭😂😭

    این رسانه تصویری ممکن است حاوی محتوای حساسیت‌برانگیز باشد. بیشتر بدانید
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  16. بهمن ۱۸

    Imagine attempting to drag places for being “a little off” after you’ve been “extremely wrong.”

  17. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۸

    New from me: A Virginia cop has been suspended after anti-fascists exposed his apparent affinity for a neo-pagan white nationalist group.

  18. بهمن ۱۸

    Imagine thinking clapping or not clapping for the president has anything to do with resisting or making the world a better or more just place.

  19. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۷

    After touring , Judge Torres appears content that the humanitarian crisis will be resolved without oversight. We know better! — Join us tomorrow as we rally with family members, organizers, and advocates to amplify the voices of detainees until harm is alleviated

  20. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۷

    White people are fucking wild.

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  21. بازتوییت کرد
    بهمن ۱۷

    Black History Month so far


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