Telstra's NBN woe made in Canberra

The head-on crash of the Telstra and NBN business models is more proof of how decisions, often lousy decisions, by a ...

Telstra's Andy Penn insists bluntly it's not sustainable for an industry to continue to earn no money. Not that Telstra is ever going to get a lot of sympathy for claiming financial hardship.

There was still a shock in Thursday's official results for mum-and-dad investors.

What we learned from today's profits

If mum-and-dad investors needed any more proof that it is time to reassess those stocks they've trusted for so long, Thursday's blue-chip bludgeoning provided it.

SMSFs cry foul over 'second-class' status

Retirees with self-managed superannuation funds are bracing to become 'second-class investors' under Labor's franking credit policy, which will slash their incomes while sparing other categories of shareholder.

Weak earnings results push ASX lower

A bumper day of earnings pushed Australian shares lower on Thursday, as losses from AMP, Telstra and Suncorp Group pushed the market lower.

Goldman pushes out RBA hike

Goldman Sachs has downgraded its economic growth forecast and pushed out when it expects the Reserve Bank might hike interest rates.

TPG Australia boss Joel Thickins (left) and Greencross CEO Simon Hickey have big growth plans for the pet retailer and ...

TPG Capital looks to smaller deals

TPG Capital Australia boss Joel Thickins is looking to shed the firm's past practice of focusing on titanic deals and reveals it will be doing more deals, more often in Australia and the region.

AMP investors in it for the long haul

AMP's long suffering investors are bracing themselves for another difficult year ahead as the new chief executive Francesco De Ferrari put growth on the back burner in the aftermath of the Hayne royal commission.

No sign of SME credit crunch, says NAB

Business conditions and confidence for small and medium-sized enterprises declined in the fourth quarter of 2018 but credit conditions haven't changed for most SMEs, NAB says.


Jennifer Hewett

Coal-powered politics fires up

The frenzy over asylum seekers demonstrates how the political cycle always turns – but with repetitive echoes. These days it's banks rather than miners desperately fighting against the full weight of political and community opprobrium, for example.

Solving the mortgage broker problem

There is a simple solution to the mortgage broker commission problem that should satisfy both sides of the intense debate triggered by the recommendations of royal commissioner Kenneth Hayne.

Senator Michaelia Cash was forced to respond about the leaks in Question Time but declined to say much ahead of her ...

AWU leak came from union watchdog, court told

Michaelia Cash's former chief of staff told federal police the former media adviser at the union watchdog tipped him off about police raids on the Australian Workers' Union, the court has heard.

Hanson staffer barred from Parliament

A controversial adviser to Pauline Hanson has been barred indefinitely from Parliament House after an altercation with One Nation defector Brian Burston.

Personal Finance

Dale Elphinstone ... the performance of his equipment rental business is a lead indicator for the mining services sector.

How the Rich Invest: Dale Elphinstone

The mining services sector will hope Dale Elphinstone, the richest Tasmanian, is a canary in the coal mine after his business leasing earthmoving equipment increased profits 418 per cent last year.

Philip Crutchfield, QC, and Michael Borsky, QC, were part of ASIC's high-powered legal team for the case against Westpac.

ASIC makes modest return on BBSW

The public's attention was captured by the colourful characters and language but the return on investment was little more than an even money bet.

The perils of dating the co-founder

Aleks Svetski and Chantelle de la Rey, co-founders of digital currency exchange Amber, observe a rule: they don't call each other babe at work.


Willem Dafoe's boney, wrinkled visage captures Van Gogh's  innumerable physical and psychological hardships.

Van Gogh remains an enigma in At Eternity's Gate

With the maniacal gleam in his eye, his haggard, lean and hungry look, it's amazing that it's taken so long for Willem Dafoe to be cast as Vincent Van Gogh. He's even got a Dutch name, although he was born in Wisconsin.