Cloudinary Blog

Calling All Visual Storytellers

We at Cloudinary are excited to host the third annual ImageCon conference on May 1-2 in San Francisco. This year’s event will feature practical hands-on workshops and enlightening talks by thought leaders along with plenty of networking opportunities.

Increasingly, rich media is recognized as being pivotal to the growth of many vertical markets, from eCommerce startups to Fortune 500 enterprises. By attending ImageCon 2019, you will learn how to navigate the maze of standards, best practices, and user-engagement opportunities toward greater profitability and productivity. How? Through the event program that aims at enabling all visual storytellers—developers, architects, content managers, visual designers, product managers, and C-suite executives alike—with a wealth of knowledge and skills on how to build, communicate, and deliver engaging stories online.

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A Guide to Website Image Optimization and Performance

Part 1 of this series delves into the background for this guide. Here in part 2 are the ins and outs.

Wait, hear me out. I know, we just talked about this: Nobody is sheepishly pleading you, “Please, might we have just one more image on the page?” No, I’m not telling you to pick that particular fight. Instead, use a little smoke and mirrors to avoid requests for images that your audience needn’t render right away and might never need at all while loading them asynchronously—only as needed.

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A Guide to Image Optimization for Website Performance

I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the rules of putting images on the web.

For such a flexible medium as the web, software development can feel like a painstaking, rules-oriented game—an errant comma might break a build, a missing semicolon might wipe out an entire page. For a long time, the laws of image rendering seemed similarly cut-and-dry: For example, if your markups contained an img element , the singular content of its src attribute would be foisted on the audience regardless of their browsing context, period.

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Digital Asset Management Platform: Meeting Customer Expectations

Consumers today expect media-rich experiences. No longer a novelty, it’s second nature to swipe through multiple photos on mobile apps, zoom in on product images for a closer look, visualize online travel reviews, socialize cool video clips while browsing, and encounter brand messages when walking into brick-and-mortar stores. These experiences weave together visual cues and clues with relevant content to create meaning and more authentic connections for customers.

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How to Customize Cloudinary's eCommerce Android App

Recently we added the Cloudinary Demo - eCommerce App to the Google Play Store. This app demonstrates the best practices for optimal delivery of images on a storefront, including category pages, product pages, and a shopping cart. At the time, we published Introducing the Cloudinary Demo Android App, Part 1, which provided an under-the-hood tour of how the eCommerce Android App was designed and how Cloudinary was integrated throughout.

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The New Cloudinary Flexible and Dynamic Website Design

Last month we unveiled a refresh of our website. As with all redesigns, there were numerous drivers behind the rollout. First and foremost, we’re a company that understands the power of visual storytelling, and the ways in which a website must beautifully and clearly convey a brand’s story and offerings. Our website needed to better reflect our brand and our solutions. This post highlights some of the thinking behind our changes.

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Auto-Generate Video Previews with Great Results Every Time

If you are an avid YouTube viewer or a Netflix binger, you might have noticed some fascinating changes in their latest preview thumbnails. They sure are attention grabbing, aren’t they?

Video previews are becoming more and more popular, not the least because they entice viewers, attract clickthroughs and, more often than not, gain a happy and loyal audience. Problem is, the task sounds like an art in itself. Just how can you go about creating appealing video previews without having to rely on movie professionals? Have you ever wished that you could quickly create video previews like those on YouTube and Netflix, but still rest assured that they'll include the good stuff?

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